Chapter 10-Exodus By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration! Synopsis: Kelly and her mother attend a dinner party at the Woods where Johnny shows definite sexual interest in Kelly. After a tiff where Johnny and Kelly a dinner party at the Woods, Kelly and her boyfriend once again sate their passion. Afterwards, Kelly becomes confused about who she really is and her inability to resist loving Johnny, causing her to make a choice that changes everybody's lives. |
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The next morning, Mom and I were dressed in a red dress, white hose and sandals. I drove us to the restaurant for breakfast. We were seated, and then I saw the Woods at another table with the County Commissioner and her family. County Commissioner Anita Barbara Russell was a true Southern Belle and a shrewd politician, too. She combined her Southern accent and drop dead gorgeous good looks into getting her way in the council meetings. I felt that we were lucky to have her.
Our meal was served and we ate in silence, almost finishing when they stopped at our table on their way out. Mister Woods looked a bit comical in his western outfit, "Morning y'all. We're having a barbecue later at our house; we'd like y'all to come. God, I look hokey in this getup, but Anita loves western style food and asked us to dress authentically today," he laughed as he held out his hands. ['Lord, Thank You for Anita. Without her help with the Tri-County Council, my business empire could never have grown as it has.']
"Thanks Chuck. We'd be delighted to come right Kelly?" [' County Commissioner Russell is infamous for her love of all things western, but I love her anyway.']
"Sure Mom. Mister Woods here makes the best barbecue in the world in his smoke pit even if he looks hokey in that getup," I giggled. ['The entire clan was in western theme clothing; Julie looked really cute in her Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader costume.']
Mister Woods patted me on the shoulder, "Thanks Kelly, you look very pretty; it's no wonder that Johnny likes you." [' So like Terri that only Terri's wedding ring gives her away.']
"Thanks Mister Woods," I blushed. [' I wonder, does he know that I fancy his son something rotten?']
"Kelly and I will bring over potato salad after we clean the house," Momma offered. ['Time for Kelly to learn some of the more mundane things about keeping a house up if she is to be a real housewife for Johnny.']
"What? What is she going on about? I was going to pal around with Julie after Church and work on my tan." [' Why did Momma do this?']
Momma patted my hand, "We need to switch over to the winter drapes honey. We need time to just be girls and alone, this will give us that chance, Besides, I have all those quilts to wash that we use as curtains and I want to put up fresh ones after Church." [' It will be hot and dusty, but Kelly will enjoy it once we get started what with my child's competitive spirit and all around good humor.']
Then I slapped my forehead, "Oh yeah, I totally forgot. We usually make a sport of it, to bad that Daddy ain't here, he's good at reaching the top of the window," I sighed. ['It's been so long since I thought about you, Daddy, please forgive me.']
Momma hugged me close, "Oh Kelly, I still miss Stu too after all these years. I'll NEVER find another one like your daddy," she wept. ['Lord, will I ever meet another like my Stu? Or am I to stay single? ']
Then we spent a few minutes remembering Daddy and how much we still love him. Then as Momma and I were getting up, Mister Woods took the check from the table, left a generous tip, and headed for the cashier. It was his custom to pay for any meal that he and his family ate in any of his restaurants. He refused to compromise the establishment’s integrity by having them play favorites. He and his family were treated like any other customer.
"Hey! What are you doing Charlie? I can pay for our meal."
Mister Woods smiled, "Simply taking care of breakfast for you two, Terri. Now y'all get on to Church, we'll be along after we change for Church."
Momma pecked Mister Woods on the cheek, "Thanks Charlie."
Then Momma and I waited as the Woods changed in the restaurant's bathroom. When they came out, the guys were wearing suits and the girls wore matching blue skirt suits. We followed them to Church where Johnny was the Crucifer while Julie and I were Acolytes. It was a Methodist Church after all.
Oh, I guess that I need to tell you about my Church, our pastor, Patrick West is a former Catholic Priest who accepted the position of Pastor at Tri-County First Methodist Church. He was a young Priest, fresh out of Seminary, but there were no openings in the Catholic Church around here, so since he was led to pastor a Church here, he accepted the position here at Trinity. While he was here, he met Joanne White, a Seminary student working in the church. They fell in Love, and were soon married. Together, they rebuilt the church into a vibrant House of Worship.
As for Acolytes and Crucifer: the Acolytes, carry a special torch to light the candles while the Crucifer carries the Cross and places it in a stand up front. Then after the sermon, the Acolytes use the bell-shaped bowl on the torch to snuff out the candle while the Crucifer carries the Cross back to the back. We three have been doing this ever since we were old enough and always enjoyed our part of the Service.
But on special occasions, we also have Flag Bearers who will carry the American Flag and those of the military on Patriotic Holidays like Independence Day. Those services are when the patriotic songs are played, and instead of Scripture, we have a patriotic special. Where as, on Church Holidays, the special is related to the holiday. Out Music and Drama Department always have something ready. They have done A Christmas Carol, and plays based on the Rankin Bass holiday specials.
Then after Church, we went home where we cleaned the entire house. Momma and I pulled the curtains and drapes and put up fresh ones. We also shampooed the carpets with the help of Johnny and his strong back; we moved the furniture and operated the shampooer which he got a kick out of. We thanked him by keeping him supplied with lots of ice water that he glugged down, or poured on his head to cool off with. He was not a big fan of those sports drinks, since his mother made fresh squeezed fruit juices, But he did like 'V-8' and other all natural juices.
I got hot and sweaty and was all too ready to clean up for the barbecue. After I showered I donned my robe and went to my room and put on the padded bra and panty brief, then my hose. I looked pretty good as is. Johnny had already left.
Momma knocked on my bedroom door, "Kelly?"[This is a first, seeing if my daughter is decent. What a first, wonder what others there are in store for me?']
I looked up from where I was applying makeup, "Yes Momma?" [' I wonder what momma wants. Have we forgotten anything?']
"Are you decent?"[Is she tucking away her boy bits? Damn! I don't need to think about things like that.']
Then I got up and opened the door and curtsied to Momma, “Why yes, Momma, come in please."
Momma looked me over and smiled, "My Kelly, you look just like a teen girl getting ready for a party." ['Just like I did when dating you Stu, I am glad that I can think of you without tearing up my love.']
I closed the door behind her as she entered, Then I went over to my small wardrobe of girls clothes and held the closet door open, "Thanks Momma."Wotcha wanna wear a skirt, or shorts." [‘Why am I acting like a model now?']
Momma pulled out a some red shorts and a blue sleeveless top, "Shorts." [' We still need to get Kelly some winter clothes.']
As I slipped the shorts and top on over my padded bra and panty brief and hose, Mom sat on the bed, "Kelly, please promise me that you'll talk to me before you do anything stupid. Like oral sex with Johnny." ['I still can't believe that my son is so much a girl. LORD, please give me the Wisdom that I need.']
I hugged Momma, "Momma, I'm going and I'll be myself. And no, don't worry, I won't do anything stupid." ['Well at least I will try, but I still want to hump Johnny. Please LORD, give me the strength to resist, or if I succumb, a way to deal with my passion.']
Momma cupped my chin in her hand, "You did when you were with Johnny the last time, and you know it." ['I hate to remind her of her shortcomings, but she needs to be strong and resist her passions.']
Then I smiled and hugged her, "OK, Momma, I promise you, I will be careful."
Then she led me to her room where she put my hair into a ponytail. She changed into her shorts and top after she did her makeup. We made a dish of potato salad and walked to the Woods Manor House. Johnny saw us, and then came out, a smile on his face. Mom made the introductions, I nodded my head at Julie and she grabbed Johnny's elbow. The three of us walked to the pool, and I faced Johnny.
"Johnny, when I came up with Momma, you looked at me like I was a piece of raw meat. Did you like what you see?"[Was I in danger from my best friend now?]
He stared at me. I stood there, ready to fight or run, depending on what he did. "Johnny. I think you two have a lot to talk about," Julie said as she left us. ['It's time for those two too finally talk about their feelings.']
I stood in front of Johnny, legs spread with hands on hips, "Johnny, [sniff, sniff] I am still your best friend under all of this. [Sniff, sniff] Ever since that Halloween, [sniff, sniff] I have wanted to be a girl. [Sniff, sniff] You know that I have been doing this for years. Oh Johnny, I can't help it! I have to wear dresses to feel complete, no matter the cost," I wept. There, I had bared my soul to him; it was now up to him. He looked up at me, and I saw a tear in his eye! He stood there as I reached out and wiped it away as I wiped mine. I said softly, "I need you to be my friend now, more than ever. But if you can't, I'll understand," I sighed.
Then he bear-hugged me with his fierce strength, "Oh Kelly, You look like the girl of my dreams! To me, you are a dream come true. Tell me this, how can I not be your friend?"[How can I NOT love you?]
"Dreams? Can it be true?" [My Dream Lover?]
Johnny smiled sheepishly, "Ever since you were Tinkerbell that Halloween, I have wanted Kelly girl and no other. You know that I do not date a girl more than once. Well, that's because they are not you. Will you reject me Kelly?" [GOD, I hope not]
I led him over to a bench under an apple tree, "Johnny about last night." ['This is gonna be hard for me, but I have to do it.']
"What about last night?"[Please GOD, I love her! Will she now reject me after what we did after the game?']
I led him to sit on the bench and sat by him, "You are the boy of my dreams Johnny. I never dreamed that this was possible, but ever since Tinkerbell and that doctor, you've been in my dreams." [' Was I fated to meet that doctor? Why he did what he did to me I will never really know.']
"Is that why you did it?"
"Did what?"
"Gave me oral sex."
"Yes, I thought that I was ready, but I am not. As much as I enjoyed it, now I know I was not ready for you," I sighed. ['Will I ever be ready for Johnny, or am I to meet another, or is Julie really the one for me?']
Then Johnny knelt before me, "Neither am I, but I still love you. Even now, I want to ravish you here you are." [I sound like such a heel, but Kelly is my girl.]
"As Kelly boy or Kelly girl?" [DAMN!! WHY DID I SAY THAT JUST NOW??!!]
Then Johnny stood straight up with disgust in his eyes, "Both, Neither. I don't know!"[Sex with Kelly boy? NEVER!! Now I can't see it with Kelly girl.]
Then Johnny walked away from me. I had just turned him off of me it seemed. I wanted to rip my heart out for hurting him as I did. I loved him, but a part of me was scared of him too. Which part would win?
Then Julie came and sat by me. She hugged me to her as I wept bitter tears of regret. "I knew that you two needed to talk things out. I know things look bad now, but Johnny will be back in time." ['Poor Kelly and Johnny, they can't seem to do anything but hurt each other now.']
"I don't know Jules; he might not want me anymore, not after what just happened. And I wouldn't blame him either." [Sniff, sniff]
"Why is that my sister?" ['What did she do to cause my brother to run to his room?']
"I asked him if he was in love with Kelly boy or Kelly girl." [Sniff, sniff]
Then she slapped me, hard. "OW!" I rubbed my cheek where she slapped me.
"Kelly, that was dumb!! He loves you!! NOW he has to choose which he loves more!" she cried as she began to weep. ['I gave Kelly up for Johnny, now she has lost him. Can she get him back, or is my brother to meet another?']
"But Julie, I want to be Kelly girl, [sniff, sniff] not Kelly boy."
Julie kissed the cheek that she slapped, "Then I'll go tell him."
"Thanks sis."
"Anytime sis."
Then we powdered our noses to cover up all evidence of the tiff, but it didn't work, We headed back down to where the others were, minus Johnny when our revelry was interrupted, "I see that you girls have been crying just now, I hope that you two worked things out between yourselves." ['So much like Andrea, and I. I doubt that there any of Stu left in Kelly, unless it's her dedication.']
"Kelly, when Johnny came back crying, we knew that you had said something to upset him. And Julie would have taken up for her brother, so we knew that you two had a tiff."
"Yes, Momma."
Mrs. Woods stood by Momma, "Besides, we heard Julie slap you," admitted Mrs. Woods.
"I didn't slap her THAT hard Momma!!"
"True Jules, but we were snooping after Johnny left in a huff."
"Are you mad at me?"
Then Mrs. Woods hugged me close. "No dear child, you simply need to talk to Johnny later after Jules has given him your message."
"I'm going now."
Then Julie headed up to their house while we got the dinner ready. Momma and Mrs. Woods set out the plates and plastic-ware while I got out the chilled glasses and filled them with soda and placed the bottle of wine in the center of the table. It was only as we kids grew up that we got to have any spirits, we could get a sip or a taste. When we got into high school, we could have wine coolers at dinner, but only a small glass. This was different though. Tonight, we actually got a glass of wine to help celebrate Mister Woods opening of an annex to his Emporium, now he could sell those reconditioned appliances that were now as good as new in his store instead of out in the parking lot.
About this time, Aunt Debbie arrived at Father Downing's Chapel She stopped because she knew that they were my friends, and she needed some comfort as she was abbot to embark upon a new journey herself.
She got out of her car and was met by Sister Mary, "Greetings, welcome to the Rest Area Chapel."
"Thank you; I am Debbie Moore, Kelly's Aunt."
"Come with me, then. You’re expected," she said as she headed toward the Chapel. ['So, Kelly has chosen.']
"Yes, Terri called us last night about Kelly."
Then, Father Downing arrived from his office, "Yes, Are you here because of Kelly?"
She sighed, "I am. I am going to take her to live with me. "
"She can't control herself around Johnny."
She stayed there for lunch as they counseled her about me, calming her friends about being hurt by me.
After the barbecue, Johnny and I stayed out, talking, just the two of us. "This is the only time. After this I'm done with it."
"Why Kelly? is it because of what you said tonight?"
"Yes Johnny, I love you and I want to marry you, but I am a boy, not a girl and I don't want to hurt you again."
"I love you too Kelly, to me, you are all the girl that I need."
We shared a kiss, then our passion ignited again and I felt him stiffen. We embraced and we sated our passion once again. I took him once again in my mouth and tasted his musky sweetness as I drank in his climax.
"You might be a boy under that dress, but you are still my dream girl. How can I ever hurt you? How could I ever deny my love for you?"['Kelly is the only one that I have ever made love to.]
"How can you say that you love me? I am not woman?"[LORD, why could I not have been born a woman?]
"I don't know, all that I know is that I do. Believe me Kelly; I am as confused as you! You are, my best friend." [What can be done to relieve our heartache?]
"Oh Johnny, if only I were a woman for you, then everything would be different!!" Then I ran home and slammed the door with Momma close behind me. We had made love each other, but I was not a real girl. I had given myself to him twice now and now I am confused and empty.
Momma came and hugged me to her,” Come sit here with me. We need to talk."
I sat, and then Momma smiled at me. "Johnny is a handsome young man and you're a pretty young lady that happens to be his best friend and a boy. He is attracted to you and you to him. Do you want to be a girl?"[I already know, but Kelly needs to give voice to her deep desire now, more than ever if she is to be helped in time.]
"Yes I do Momma, more than anything!! But how can I be a girl?"
[She never heard about how boys look like girls. All that she's done is play at being a girl al this time.] "Then it is time that you go and live with your Aunt Debbie. Time for my daughter to leave the nest and fly away now."
"Why Momma? I wanna stay with you."
"You need her help. You know how to dress as a girl, but when it comes to Johnny, you lose control. That's not the way to act as you have around Johnny. And you and Johnny need time way from each other."['It's hard for me to send you away, but I must to protect you from yourself.]
"I know, every time I am alone with him, I lose myself. If I were a girl, I would be pregnant. And truth to tell, I want to get pregnant, even though I know that I can't" [LORD, will I ever be whole?]
"Your Aunt Debbie will help you. Good thing I called her before the dinner tonight." [Knowing her, she's on her way right now.]
"Does she know about me?"
"Yes, and she wants to help you to be a woman too. I will miss you, but Debbie can help you better than I can and she has our parents there to help too."[Come to think of it, Kelly will enjoy herself since she loves Daddy's farm.]
"We need to tell Johnny. I will miss him most of all."[Now I know I have a heart, because it's breaking.]
"We will as soon as Debbie arrives."[Debbie, take care of my most precious rose.]
"Don't I need to pack?"
"No, I packed all of your clothes as well as my old uniforms. Debbie will have fun shopping you too."[One thing and for sure, Kelly will give her shopping gene a real workout.]
Then the bell rang. "Let's go see who that is."
I opened the door and I saw a tall, strong woman standing there wearing a red sun dress and sandals. "Hello Kelly, come to your Aunt Debbie." Then she hugged me to her as I wept and soaked her dress with my tears of joy.” I hear that you like a certain boy."
"Yes Auntie, I sniffed. [Had Momma told her everything?]
My Aunt Debbie Annette Moore is a tall lithe gray eyed brunette. She owns/operates a dress shop over in the valley. She loves to collect rare books. She has a library of books sold by the public library that she loans out while keeping her collection of first edition in her room. I have spent many a weekend in her library with the twins as we delved into the stories.
"Do you want to be a girl?"['Kelly is so like I was at his age.']
"Yes." [Sniff] Yes, I do, but how can I be a girl? I was born a boy."
"There are two way, you can wear appliances that give you a woman's appearance or you can opt for surgery. In both, you can choose whether or not to use hormones to help you become a woman."
"Which should I choose Auntie?"
"I think that it's best to leave your options open, so I say choose appliances. You can always go with hormones and surgery later."
"Then I choose appliances. That way I can still be Kelly boy at times."
"Very well, I can teach you what you need to know about being a woman, but do not go into this lightly Kelly."['I must make sure that he is ready to be a girl.']
"Why Auntie?"
"You must forget about being a boy if you are to be a girl. Otherwise people will see you as a boy in a dress. Like they did me that Halloween night when I became who I am."['That is one nightmare I hope to keep from happening to you.']
"But they have seen me wearing a dress at Halloween Auntie and they never had a problem with it."'
"They saw Kelly, a boy in a dress, not a girl, like my friends did me. Besides, you have yet to live exclusively as Kelly girl. They can and will turn against you."['Like my FRIENDS did me!!']
Then the Woods came up. "Hello, I am Mister Charles Woods; this is my wife Andrea, daughter Julie and son Johnny. We're worried about Kelly."
"Come in Chuck, we have a lot to tell you." sobbed Momma. ['This is gonna be harder than I thought.']
Rushing over to Momma, Mrs. Woods hugged her close, "What's wrong my friend?"
"It's Kelly, come on to the kitchen where I have sodas ready."['It's going to be hard because they all love Kelly so much.']
Then Momma led us to the kitchen where we all sat down to a tall, cool glass of soda. "As you know, Kelly has been dressing as a girl every now and then. Now, Kelly and Johnny have fallen in love and Kelly is afraid of losing himself to Johnny as a girl."
Then Momma turned to Johnny.” Johnny, I don't blame you, you are both responsible. I know that you love her and have had sex with Kelly. She needs to learn how to control herself or both of you can get hurt."['Like Debbie was.']
"I never wanted to hurt Kelly, but she is the girl of my dream."['I actually said that?']
"Then give her a chance to grow." ['I can see why Kelly loves him now.']
"Yes ma'am. Will she ever come back to me?"
"Is Kelly going away?" asked Julie. Why must Kelly leave me? I will miss my sister."
"Yes, I am taking Kelly with me so that she can learn how to be a lady."['Away from here, she can grow into the rose that my sister sees in her.']
"But I have been teaching her all these years! Was I not good enough?"
"Be that as it may, I am going to teach her how to be herself and to be strong. You have indeed done a superb job, but Kelly now needs much more than you can teach her."['I truly wish that Kelly could stay, but leaving is unfortunately for the best.']
Then I went over to Johnny “I will miss you the most, but if I stay, I will lose myself in you," I wept as he held me to him.
"Then go my love with my blessings, he cried.” He soaked my top with his tears as I drenched his with mine. But I needed to go or I would never learn to be strong. ['How can I live without her, I want to know?!!']
"Come child, it is time to go."['This is the hardest part for you, letting go, but you must in order to grow.']
As we left, I saw everybody crying as we pulled away and left my former life behind. I slept on the way to Aunt Debbie's place. She had put on some orchestra music, then she played Bette Middler's The Rose and I awoke crying as it ended. “Yes my child, we are both "The Rose.”We have both been in our winter and now I will see that you blossom into your spring."
The Rose
(as sung by Bette Midler)
Some say love it is a river
That drowns the tender reed.
Some say love it is a razor
That leaves your soul to bleed.
Some say love it is a hunger
An endless, aching need
I say love it is a flower
And you its only seed.
It’s the heart afraid of breaking
That never learns to dance.
It’s the dream afraid of waking
That never takes the chance.
It’s the one who won’t be taken
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul afraid of dying
That never learns to live.
And the night has been too lonely
And the road has been too long.
And you think that love is only
For the lucky and the strong.
Just remember in the winter
Far beneath the bitter snow
Lies the seed that with the sun’s love,
In the spring,
Becomes a