Chapter 6 No More Kelly Boy By Stanman63 Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut and JennaFL for Proofing and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration! In school, Kelly proves to be very much of a tom boy as he excels at academics, and sports, side by side with his best friend, Johnny. Together, they become the school's top athletes until Kelly is hurt, then Kelly become Johnny's tutor to keep him from academic probation. Later on, a misguided doctor destroys Kelly's dream, and Kelly finds a new dream. |
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"Good game you two, have you guys ever thought about playing for a pro team?'" asked Coach Hornsby. ['Those two have quite a gift. By themselves, they are the best that there is, but together, they are invincible.']
"Dave, they're just kids. Please, let'em enjoy being kids," admonished Momma. ['He still wants to be a professional coach, too bad he never gets the chance. But, then again, he's so good with kids.']
"I know that, Terri. But I think that they both have potential." ['Even if I can't be the professional coach that I want to be, I can still find the kids that will be great players.']
Then Mr. Woods handed us kids our Popsicles, "I agree with you, let our kids be kids. I will not force mine to be something that they don't want to be." ['Besides, why should I? With my money, they have no need for scholarships.']
Together, Johnny and I won several trophies both at the Community Center and in our school. We three had a lot of fun on Saturdays playing on the teams and Julie was always our cheerleader too. To this day, we still keep our trophies and remember the fun we had seeing our parents rally us to win, and Tri-County Central Junior High School still counts us as the Best Athletes.
It was at the Graduation Ceremony that our legacy was assured. Because of our contribution to the team, the Patriots won every year that we went. It was all thanks to Coach Hornsby and his teaching us about how to be a team. He did not put any one player on a pedestal; rather, he drilled us on being our best. It just happened that Johnny and I meshed together, and became the Team Captains.
"It gives me great pleasure to announce this year’s All Star Team Winner!! This year, we had several teams that made it into the playoffs that haven't before thanks to the spirit of Teamwork and Fair Play taught here by our coaches. But unfortunately, there can only be one All Star Team!! And that team is the Patriots led by Team Captains Johnny Woods and Kelly Moore!!"
Right now, in the Main Hallway is a Display of trophies from when the school won a State Championship in sports, or National Championship in Academics. My name is listed on several trophies. What surprises many students is that I am now a happily married woman, married to the school's other Top Athlete.
As we grew up, because our high school supported equal rights, we were allowed to wear any costume at Halloween, Spirit Day and Career Day. I always wore a girl's costume. On Career Day, one year, we had to give a speech upon the career that we picked. I decided to do a report on Nursing, since Mother was a Receptionist/Hostess for a few doctors, and she was always complaining about the constant need for top quality nurses. It was fun to wear nurse’s whites or scrubs to school and give my report in Civics.
It was a week before Career Day, and I had my report ready, but not my clothing. Normally, I wore the navy pants, white shirt, and red sweater vest and tie of the boy's school uniform. The girl's school uniform varies in that it has a skirt or skort or shorts instead of pants, and matching bloomers.
"Momma, do you have a nurses uniform?"
"No, why Kelly?" [‘Does my son still want to be a girl, at times? I thought that he'd be over it by now, I guess that I need to read up on this condition.']
"We are having a Career Day at school. I thought that I'd do my report on nurses while dressed as a nurse." ['Why do I feel so comfy when I am a girl? Am I suppose to be a girl?']
"Oh. Not nursing?" ['I'll deal with his wanting to wear a dress, later. Too interested in his report. Will he become a Male Nurse?']
"Momma, you've told us about the need for better nurses, so, I am doing my report on what makes a better nurse. That's why you spend so much time at the office.”]'I want her home, but she is needed, there.']
"OK, but why do you ask if I have a nurses uniform?"
I blushed, "Well, I wanna wear one while giving my report."
"Kelly, you know that I disapprove of your wearing girl's clothes. I worry about what might happen if people found out that you're a boy wearing a dress." ['Like what happened to his Uncle Brian, who's now his Aunt Debbie.']
"I know, Momma. But I wanna make a good impression, and I'd NEVER do it if I was gonna get hurt. Besides, Johnny, and Julie and I have the same schedule."
Momma sighed, "OK, Kelly. I can get you a nurse’s costume, that'll have to do." ['I have to trust in their judgment. After all, the Woods would never knowingly let Kelly get hurt.']
"Thanks, Momma."
The uniform that she got me was from the Uniform Depot. It turned out that they actually made child sized uniforms. In fact, that's where we got my school uniform. My nurse’s uniform was a white dress with matching panty, white pantyhose, and shoes. Momma hated that the hem was cheerleader length, but I promised hr not to flash my panty, so she stopped fussing.
"Nurses serve a vital part in the Medical Community. They do more than simply taking your temperature or giving you your medicine. A nurse assists the doctor in the operating room in many and varied ways. Nurses are much more than a pretty face, they help to make the doctor’s job easier. There are many different nursing fields that are open. Please remember that a nurse is a highly trained professional not some sort of sex object as some believe."
That speech that I gave while not in depth went with my report that won me a tour of the local nursing school and all of the books in their course study. I gave them to Julie since she wanted to be a nurse.
Then during my senior year in Tri-County Junior High School , everything changed for me. I got hurt in our last game. We were in the State Championship Game against the Bishop's Street High School Crusaders. It was the beginning of the fourth quarter, as quarterback, I got the football, and when I saw the oncoming blitz. I shifted into turbo and ran, all out. I was able to dodge the blitz, and score a T.D., winning six points, but then, the Blitz caught me, but good. Johnny roughed up a few of them in trying to get to me, and I saw Julie, crying beside me. But I couldn't respond because of the pain. Momma got in the ambulance with me, and I heard Coach say, “Take care of him. They have hurt our Kelly. Now, this is no longer a game. It is WAR!"
Johnny clasped him on the shoulder, "Coach, Kelly is my brother, and Best Friend. Please, let me out there! I need to trounce them for what they did to Kelly, especially their coach. You can see just how much that he is grinning. And the referees did not penalize them for what they did either." ['Take care, Bro. This is the first time that I failed to protect you, never again.']
Coach Hornsby smiled, "Is your father here?" ['Old Chuck will know what to do about the cheating.']
Mister Woods came up, then, "Here I am, Toro."
"Toro, Dad?"
The Coach smiled, "That, Johnny, is my nickname, because of my last name, and my size." ['He has no room to talk, he's as big as I am, just like his dad.']
"OK, Coach. Does Toro have any advice for me?"
"You're the leader now, do what you must, while your dad and I see about the other coach."
In the ambulance, I was feeling the pain from the pile up, and silently crying. I couldn't even breathe without hurting, "Please, [huff] let [huff] me [huff] die [huff]!"
"Not yet, Whipper Snapper! I may be a retired farmer, but I can give you a shot, Kelly, Boy!"
"What are you doing here?"
"Giving you something for the pain," he smirked.
I lay back with a grin. My grandparents had learned to be paramedics because the county had very few qualified ambulance drivers. So, they learned so that they could care for their children.
What I had forgotten, till then was that he and Granny always kept their permits current.
"You feel better, son?" ['I don't know what Daddy gave him, but it looks like its working.']
"Yeah, Momma. I feel no pain, now. [Sigh] Thanks, Grandpa."
Grandpa smiled at me, "Anytime, my boy, anytime."
It turned out that the referees were Alumni of the opposing team. They had purposefully looked away when Kelly was hit when they were finally on the field at the same time. When the investigation discovered the facts, the coach, and referees lost their jobs.
So, I was out now for the season. The coach really hated it because I could place the ball where I wanted it to go. He let me off for the season and let me know that I would be welcomed back.
"Are you in any pain?" ['He looks so frail in that bed, he is so lively that I never saw him so helpless.']
"Yeah, all over Momma. That last tackle sure put a good wallop on me." ['Why is Momma worried? I'm a gonna get better, soon enough.']
Then Doctor Benjamin came over to my bed. "I have good news and bad news for you young man, which you want first?" ['Don't know why, but I love doing my good news/bad news routine.' chuckle]
"Could we wait till Coach Cartwright gets here? ['Other than Mister Woods, he's the only man that I could call Daddy, sigh.']
Then my coach stepped into the room, "No need to wait for me, Kelly, The game is over, we won the game!!" ['And you, young man are the reason; the team won it for you.']
"That's great Coach!! Too bad that I couldn't watch the game though." [Knowing you, you taped the game so I can still see it." chuckle.]
"Then the doctor cleared his throat, "That's nice, but this is a hospital, not a stadium," he laughed." [I can see that this Coach cares for his team.']
"Bad news first please, " answered my Momma. ['Dear Lord, I pray that Kelly is alright.']
"The bad news is that Kelly's ribs are badly bruised. Any harder and they'd have been broken." ['Lucky kid that wallop could've left him in a wheelchair.']
"Too bad, Kelly. That means that you’re benched for the season," sighed the Coach. [' I was hoping for better news, but at least you will be playing again.']
"Sorry, Coach," I began to cry." ['I've hurt you, will you forgive me?']
Then he put his hand upon my shoulder, "Don't be, son. You just heal up and are ready for college." [This young man is so giving of himself that I can never be mad at him.']
"What's the good news?" ['Other than my son is alive.'] Asked my Momma.
"No need to tape you up, just take some pain reliever for pain and soreness," replied the doctor. ['Besides, taping his bruised ribs would only make things worse.']
Then, Julie came running in. She brought with her, a guy nearly as big as Johnny. It was plain as day that he was smitten with her, "Kelly, this is Mark White. He was the first one who tackled you."
I looked at her with venom, ""YOU BRING HIM HERE?! WHY?!"
He looked sheepishly t me, and then stammered, “Kelly, it was an accident on my part. I had already launched myself to get you when you caught the ball. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."
Johnny laid hid hand on Mark's shoulder, " I saw that, Mark. I know that you wanted to help Kelly up, but then, your team swamped both of you at your coach’s orders."
I held out my hand, "Then put it there, friend. If Johnny vouches for you, that's good enough for Me. "
"What about ME, Kelly!? I am your sister!"
I blushed, “Sorry, Julie. But getting creamed by guys bigger than you are does make you feel a wee bit squished," I sighed.
Mark clapped me on the back, causing me to 'OOF' as air was forced from me, "Kelly, you're a lot like my kid brother, Abe; he's small, and wiry. And he can out wrestle anybody on the team."
"OK, Mark. So, you know how to care for us tiny terrors?" I smirked.
"Yep, Keep away, when hungry, which is all the time."
That was our first meeting with Mark. He would later on prove to be a new member of the family, but THAT would be years later, after events had shaped my life, forcing me to make a decision.
When I was a freshman in junior high school, we had to see a doctor due to a new school policy. The one that I saw was Doctor Benjamin Rhodes. I didn't know it at the time, but he was a psychologist. (That means that he could 'doctor' your mind and your body.)
When he saw me, he got all excited, after my physical; he asked my Momma if he could talk to me. She agreed only after he agreed to see me with another adult present. I went into his office and we began to talk about me.
I entered his office, and saw a bespeckled older man with a wild fringe odd graying hair, like Albert Einstein, "Come in, Mister Kelly." ['Here is the young man that Linden Avery has been looking for. This boy, I must see if he is the 'Abomination' that Linden believes him to be. But, if he is, do I bring him to Avery? Or do my duty and cure him without worrying my Master?']
I held out my hand, "Thank you Sir, do what do I owe the pleasure?"
"You're quite the young gentleman, aren't you?" he chuckled.
"Mister Woods my neighbor made sure that I know proper etiquette."
"That's nice of him, why not your father?"
"Daddy died when I was younger, So, Mister Woods has been the father that I need."
"Kelly, I saw you dressed as Tinkerbell for Halloween, why were you dresses as a girl?" ['Is he trans-gendered in any way?']
"Mrs. Woods had picked up the wrong package at the costume shop." ['Why ask me about that?']
Why didn't she exchange it?" [Did the mistake bring out the girl in him?']
"By the time that we knew about it, the store was closed."
"Was there not another costume that you could have worn?" [' Surely they kept the old ones.']
"Only Julie's Wendy costume, we're both the same size. I could have worn my underos over sweats, but we wanted to dress alike, or as characters from the same movie."
"Why did you not switch with her, then?" ['Kelly, evidently, even then, wanted to be a girl.']
"Because she was wearing it, already," I sighed. ['I hate going over old stuff. I know that he has this on file. Because this was in the report.']
"Did you enjoy being Tinkerbell?" ['I wonder if being Wendy would've made a difference. And he is showing a bit of discomfort, now.']
"Yes, I did, it was fun, too." ['Does he want to know why I wear Julie's clothes?']
"I understand that you've worn other girl's costumes since then. Why?"
"I found that I actually like it." ['Yep! He is. Will he decide that I'm simply being curious? I mean, I like dressing up at times. But I don't want to be a girl, full-time.']
"Are there any other times that you dress as a gill?" ['So, I am right! Kelly as yet to admit to himself that he wants to be a girl. If not for the good advice from Avery, Linden , I'd still be seeing Kelly as confused, not for what he really is.']
"Well, kind of," I blushed.
"When is that?" ['So, he does want to be a girl, but is reluctant to admit it.']
"The Woods let me wear Julie's tops and shorts with my undies and shoes."
"Do you look like a girl then?" ['Now, to see how deep this need is.']
"No, the clothes have no frills or lace; I think they're called unisex."
"Would you like to be able to dress as a girl in public?" [So, being evasive. evidently, he must be either all boy, or all girl, no in between for him.']
"Not really, I am a boy, even though I dress as a girl on Halloween and at the Woods, and on Career Day, here. And I like playing with Johnny Woods."
"Yes, we both play on the same sports teams at the Community Center, Church, and Tri-County Junior High School."
"When do you have any free time?" ['Could he see this Johnny as a boyfriend when he is in girl mode?']
"The Community Center is always on Saturday mornings with practice just before. The Church is on Sundays between Worship Services, and Junior High School practices weekday afternoon with the game on Thursday Nights."
"What about Julie?" ['Or is she is girlfriend when in boy mode?']
"She's a cheerleader for our teams."
"Would you like to cheer with her?"
"Only if I was a girl, then I'd cheer for Johnny."
"Why him?" ['His answer will tell me what I need to know,']
"He's my Best Friend."
"It's always good to have a best friend." ['Kelly shows definite signs of being trans-gendered. I can tell from his body language that he is confused about his sexual identity. According to the Blood Test results, he has a very low testosterone count when it should be off the scale like his friend Johnny. There is only one thing to do to remedy the situation.']
Then he excused himself, & came back a moment later with a needle and a bottle of pills, "Kelly, this is a vitamin shot for you and these are a vitamin supplement." ['I will set him on the road to transition that he so desperately wants, and tell Avery about him. His reactions will reveal his Heart.']
"Am I sick, Doctor Rhodes?"
"No, but your physical shows that you need this booster to help jump start your puberty, otherwise, you'll stay as you are."
Then he gave me the shot and after talking with Momma, I took the pills with me. But the shot and pills were meant to turn me into a girl. I started to show changes in my butt and chest before we learned the truth. It was six months later when I went to see our family doctor for my flu shots.
"Kelly, you look different." ['Just like his Mother when she was his age. But it could be gynomastia.']
"What do you mean, Doctor Addams?"
"Well, you look more than a bit like your Mother looked like at your age," he grinned. ['Don't want to needlessly alarm the boy.']
I laughed, "Come on Doc, I can't be turning into my Momma, I'm a boy!"
"True, may I take a few blood samples?" ['Why is his voice getting higher?']
I held out my arm, "Sure, what for?"
He quickly took a sample, "By now, you should be going through puberty, but you aren't."
"That's what Doctor Rhodes said; he gave me a shot and pills to take."
"Did you bring them with you?" ['That could explain things.']
I handed him the bottle which was empty, "Yep, here they are."
Then he looked at the bottle and got a weird look on his face,” Kelly, what did he say these were?" ['Does he know what he's been taking?']
"Vitamins. Why?"
[My GOD! I hope that I've caught it in time!'] "Wait here Kelly," then he marched out the door and returned with my Momma. She looked worried as she sat by me.
"Momma is anything wrong?"
"Kelly, Doctor Rhodes did not give you any vitamins, he gave you pills to turn you into a girl," Doctor Addams cried.
Then Momma hugged me tight as the doctor explained," The pills and shot he gave you have given you a girl's butt, and waist as well as chest."
"You mean that I'll look exactly like you, Momma, but be a boy?" ['Why did this happen?']
Then he slumped in his chair and wept," I'm sorry, Kelly, but you can never be a Father now, the pills have made that impossible." [If only Stu was still alive, then, we could use his blood to make a cocktail to restart Kelly's manhood.']
"What does he mean, Momma?" my voice quavered as I thought about what it meant.
"Remember Rex, the Seeing Eye Dog for Scott?" ['Dear Lord, will Kelly ever be a parent?']
"You mean that I am like him?"
"I'm sorry, son, but yes, like him."
"Why did he hurt me, Momma?" ['Why am I not crying? Is this me, fighting to be a boy?']
"I wish that I knew, Honey," Then she looked at the doctor and her voice became hard as iron, "DOCTOR ADDAMS! I DO NOT CARE! DO WHAT IT TAKES! I WANT THAT BASTARD TO PAY!!"
The doctor looked at us, and he sat up and his voice was filled with authority," Mrs. Moore, I vow to make sure that he pays in full."
Momma took me home. She tried to get me to respond, but I was in shock. I was thinking about how I looked when I wore a dress, or a skirt, and how Johnny tried to be a gentleman. Now, I started seeing him in a new way, as my boyfriend. Than, as I accepted that, I began to cry, as my Heart finally released it s burden of fear.
"Kelly? Are you. OK?"
"Yes, Momma. I was just in shock."
"Well Son, I guess that you have a very good reason to be."
"No, Momma, [sigh] Not, 'Son', anymore. Not after, today,"
By ten, we were at the Woods Estate. Now, I truly felt safe. For here, I was home. Here, nothing could hurt me. It was here, that I had found who I am. Momma and I got out, and smelled Mister Woods doing a barbecue. I knew then, that they were doing this in anticipation of celebrating my check up. We were always finding a read on to fire up the grill, but this time, it wouldn't be to celebrate. When the Woods found out, they got furious! That's when I saw just how mean Mister Woods could be when he wanted to be.
Julie was wearing a red bikini top with blue bikini bottoms. The full bra and panty looked more like they were meant for gymnastics, but Julie never was one to display what she had. She never felt the need because she felt that there was no need, and with her winning Homecoming Queen, and the Miss Patriot beauty pageant, she was right. As many times as I had worn her clothes, or was an escort, I knew that I would never be a beautiful as she is. But now, things were changing.
"Hi Mrs. Moore and Kelly, are you here for Daddy's cookout? He's made some scrumptious kabobs and roasted corn on the cob."
"Scrumptious, Julie? Where did you learn that word?" ['Got to get Kelly to see humor again, or he will despair.']
"Well, I learned it from Mommy; she loves to find new words to describe Daddy's cooking, Momma Moore."
Then I began to cry bitter tears because now I was face to face with the only girl that I'd ever thought of marrying. NOW, I can never be a father like my Daddy!! I wanted to die right then, and there. How could I be the Man that she needed? I was a eunuch at best, a wanna be girl at worst. My despair was nearly complete. Only the faintest of hope kept me sane.
"What's wrong Kelly?" asked Julie as she hugged me close. ['He looks as if he's lost his Best Friend, but how can that be?']
"Oh Julie, [sniff, sniff] I have terrible news!!" ['Will my sister hate me now? Have I lost the Woods as my family?']
"Want me to go get Mom and Dad?" she asked as she cradled my head to her bosom. I pretty well soaked her topas I released my tears. She was being my sister, right then. And in doing so, she provided me with an anchor to reality that I clung to as the winds of madness tore at my Soul.
"No need to, Sweetheart, we're here. Come, let's sit down," said Mister Woods, then he walked to the patio and sat down. Mrs. Woods and the twins sat on the patio love seat, leaving me and Momma to sit on the patio lounge chairs. After everybody was seated, he gestured to me and momma to speak.
"I am still in shock [sniff, sniff] over what I'm about to tell you, [sob] please be patient," she wept. ['Oh, Stu! You never had to deal with this! Even when Brian became Debbie! But, you would be here, with your Wisdom, then you'd catch that quack, and make sure that he pays.']
Then Mrs. Woods handed Momma a napkin, "What's so terrible?"
I stood up, ready for what I had to do, "Let me, Momma, it happened to me, after all," I sighed.
"Kelly, what the hell happened?" asked Johnny.
"The doctor that I saw about my physical. [sniff, sniff] gave me a shot, [sniff, sniff] and some pills that, [sniff, sniff] were turning me into a girl."
"That's right, Johnny, looks as if my days as an athlete are over, since the State disqualifies any athlete taking steroids, or hormones."
"And Kelly is going to go a through a boy's puberty?"
"That's right Charlie,[sniff, sniff] Kelly is sterile now, [sniff, sniff] If our doctor hadn't found out, [sniff, sniff] Kelly could go through a girl's puberty." [sniff, sniff]
"You men that Kelly will grow breasts like I will?"
"Well, more like me, since I am his mother, Julie."
"No Julie, [sniff, sniff] the doctor has given me pills so that won't happen, [sniff, sniff] I will stay small like you, [sniff, sniff] not grow bigger like Johnny."
Then Mister Woods picked me up and hugged me as he cried for me, "Kelly, I promise you that Doctor Rhodes will pay for what he has done to you!! And as for your growing much bigger you are your Mother, born as a boy."
Then he handed me to his wife, "Kelly, I know that you and Julie love each other, your Mother and I both think you make a cute couple. As far as I'm concerned, you're still a cute couple."
"Even if I can't be a father?"
Julie kissed me, "We can always adopt. Wasn't your Daddy adopted?"
"Yeah, Julie, but he made me, with Mom's help. Can he cook?"
We all laughed at my joke. They knew that I was doing what I could to deal with my problem, and humor was and still is my strength.
"Kelly, I will ask the doctors that I work for about anything that can be done for you."
Thanks, Momma. Anything will be appreciated."
"Kelly, you are still my boyfriend."
"And you're my best friend."
"Thanks everybody."
Then Mister Woods came over and announced," Well, it's been done, Rhodes is in prison now, with out bail."
Johnny came over, and stood me up then saluted me, “Kelly, I will miss you on the field, will you join Julie on her squad?"
"Maybe next year, when we're in high school. It's a bit late for me to join, this year."
Doctor Rhodes never made it to trial, he died in prison. There were a few prisoners that hated those that abused women, and children. When he was outed, he was repeatedly raped until he hung himself.