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A Man Among Vikings by Jesse Rabbit
16% (18 votes)
Ashley's Magical Summer by AshleyTS
16% (18 votes)
Cursed to an Eternity Without Love by Zoulless
2% (2 votes)
Dear John by Melanie Ezell (Rasufelle)
10% (12 votes)
Frends Forever by Bronwen Welsh
8% (9 votes)
If You’ve Got the Money, Honey, I’ve Got the Thyme by Angela Rasch
5% (6 votes)
In Other Habits by Tara G.
4% (5 votes)
It's You I Like by Andrea DiMaggio
1% (1 vote)
Life Imitates Art? by BrandiS
3% (3 votes)
My Summer Mutation by Saless
10% (11 votes)
Not What You Expected by Joannebarbarella
7% (8 votes)
Providence Parts by Andrea DiMaggio
3% (3 votes)
Seasons of Change by Megumi-chan
1% (1 vote)
Sisters by Alexandra Mountferris
4% (5 votes)
Terri's Vengeance by Stanman63
3% (4 votes)
The Waitress by Maid Joy
6% (7 votes)
What We Did For Love by Jengrl
2% (2 votes)
Total votes: 115
Just A Doggone Minute
The Summer Contest voting has been interesting. I'm pleased that Melanie Ezell's "Dear John" is currently leading -- because I voted for it.
I have to wonder if this great story might have garnered a few more vores had the author been listed as Rasufelle instead of Melanie Ezell, making it easier to find. When I tried to read the stories entered in this contest I used the author's list; I wonder how many others did the same? Rasufelle is listed as an author on the home page, but Melanie Ezell isn't. Trying to find her story using the method I used would be as frustrating as it would have been to find my story had I shown it as having being written by Jill M I instead of by Angela Rasch.
Those of you who have voted and who may have missed Rasufelle's story might want to look under her name for "Dear John."
Thank you to those who voted for my story. But really -- are you voting for this story or for the enjoyment you've received from my body of work? My story was written as a writing exercise and took only about an hour to write with one or two revisions, compared to the normal month or so I've devoted to writing other stories. I wouldn't be offended in the least if those who voted for my story gave a look to Rasufelle's story with a critical eye. It's so much better than mine -- I have to assume you just missed it. To change your vote you simply have to go to the voting page and select the Cancel Your Vote button at the bottom of the page. Then vote again (for "Dear John").
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Your character
Personal, not literary, that is. Your note was not only thoughtful, but it demonstrates just what is great about this place; people caring about each other and pulling for each other to grow and become better and succeed. If I had a hat, I'd take it off in salute, but I don't, so I'll just say, baci e tanto affetto! Ti dio benedice, cari uno! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Hats Off
The salute should be aimed at Erin, for developing an environment that encourages TG fiction to go beyond one-handed fodder. While there is a place and time for erotica, it shouldn't be the sole, or even primary, purpose of TG fiction. Those who write have a duty to send strong positive messages of hope, awareness, tolerance, and compassion.
While I don't think contests measure much beyond public favoritism for genre, much like the bestseller's list don't measure literary skill, I do think they tend to raise the bar.
I like the quality of the writing displayed in Rasufelle's story. The overall positive spin of Ashley's tale of youthful awakening drew me in, as did the gentle humor of Jesse's tale. Maid Joy's piece was espicially good given she stepped outside her comfort area. Had she changed her sentence structure more often so that fewer sentences started with "I" I would have voted for it.
Your story is amazing in that it is part of a gigantic volume of work that you've produced over the last few weeks.
TSBC is a nice place -- not by accident. It's nice because many good people work to make it that way.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Baci e tanto affetto! Ti dio benedice!
To Erin, as my dear sister so gently reminded me. Thank you Erin and your lovely colleagues for providing us with this glorious forum of creativity. Mille grazie, cara sorrella! 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
??? :(
Why am I losing votes? I had fifteen this morning, and now I'm down to eleven :(
Melanie E.
Tactical voting?
I noticed that and wondered if people were changing their votes to stop a story they didn't like from winning?
I lost a couple votes too.
I lost a couple votes too. Oh well, 7th place is okay, I guess.
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
Well. I voted
For the story that I liked best, out of all the ones I enjoyed. That happened to be your story, and I see no reason to change my vote, regardless of who likes or dislikes somebody else or their story. Perhaps a rule should be put in place against electioneering.
I tend to agree, the votes cast should be concealed until the final tally is in. I have no problem with people changing their votes, but it shouldn't be a public thing. Final results is the only significant number. Maybe not even that, just the top finishers. First, second, and third places, or whatever.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
I'd actually considered asking Erin if she could block my access to seeing the voting page until the contest was over, but I was afraid it wouldn't be possible without blocking my access to the entire site, so I didn't risk it :P I just don't have the will power to keep myself from looking, as shallow as that may sound.
Melanie E.
The reason for the voting change
is because of the way this voting module is set up, a voter can alter their vote up until we close the voting out. I am really not sure whether that is fair or not, but that is the way this module has been made and what we have to use. It in no way reflects on the quality of your work or anything like that Melanie.
I truly hope this feature is not turning my contest into something to tarnish it. I hope the people who did switch votes did so because they truly liked a different story - NOT to boost some other author for the heck of it.
Melanie, I do apologize for how this is occurring. If it is possible, I will try and see if we can get the module changed and fixed to be better and hidden voting for the October TG Terror Contest I will host also a Prize contest.
Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf
The existential meaning of votes
Anyone who doesn't seem to be winning the vote should realise that the total votes total up to only one hundred and ten readers, a very small fraction of the number of people who visit the site and read the stories.
Without diminishing in any way the pleasure that those on the leading edge should feel that they've garnered a greater share of the people who bothered to vote, it's also true that all these totals are probably within a reasonable margin of error when considering the total population. Any and all of your stories may, in fact, be the site "favourites," but just can't be measured accurately, given the overall reluctance of many visitors to identify themselves.
This, and every contest, is really just for the fun of it. A good time should be had by all.
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
Sometimes I feel like my life is within the reasonable margin of error. The fact is that if I have thousands of readers who have read my stuff; me, the newbie, how many more readers have the good writers who've been around longer. Thousands upon thousands of lovely people who have been entertained and inspired and encouraged by your great talent and compassion. And really, like my sweet colleague has reminded us, it's really just in fun anyway. When I read the recent posts by my dear sweet sisters who are going through so much pain and sorrow, I have to keep things in perspective. Get up from your computer and go hug someone you love! Sorry for being, but I love you all too much not to say anything. God bless you all, dear ones. 'drea
Love, Andrea Lena
Whew! Tough Competition
This contest is full of so many good stories that it is a tough choice to pick just one. I guess I will have to come up with something a bit more entertaining the next time. Apparently my efforts weren't well received this time around but I do appreciate the two people that thought my story was worth their time. Thank you!