People We have a problem! With the hate mongers and professional "LIARS."
I'm talking about Proposition 8 the Anti same sex Marriage bill!
we all "Californians Must vote no on it!"
This isn't just my input, on an unjust bill!
Links about it! Pleas read then you'll understand why I'm pissed off, at the people that just have to ruin other peoples happiness!
"What its about":
"Losers for it":,...
"Smart people Against it":
Your mission should you deside is to contact all of your California friends and get them to vote, "No on 8"
Well thats my bitch and I'm stick'en to it!
Correction of my bad posting of the links!
Links that didn't post correctly
California Proposition 8
California Proposition 8
I Am Not A Resident Of CA But.....
There is such a thing as live and let live. These people spend so much time sticking their noses in everyone else's business instead of minding their own. I can honestly say that I was very happy to hear about Ellen and Portia's wedding as well as a few wonderful people here on BC too. It is high time the rest of the world get over themselves and get on with the more important things in life. Gay marriage has been legal in other countries for many years and they have not imploded because of it. The Fundys in this country need to learn that the entire world does not share their screwed up views. Apparently, they have a long way to go before they figure it out!
What took so long for someone to notice?
I have a cousin that's out there, and ACTIVE in getting out the word against the hate mongers as well as fund raising to raise some of the $ needed to fight the well funded "proponents" of this initiative.
Being unable to vote (there), I can provide support but that's about it. *sighs*
Thank You, Chris!
Thank you for posting this, Chris. You done good.
I don't know if anyone wants to hear my argument against Prop-8 and all related "Defense of Marriage Act" (NewSpeak* for "preventing same sex couples from marrying") measures. But, just in case it will help anyone in a face-to-face discussion to sway anyone's opinion, here it is:
The stated reason for Prop-8/DMA is that marriage is solely for bearing and raising children. If so, how come:
Yes, I know I'm being silly with the above, but no sillier than the proposition that marriage is a sacred institution solely for the purpose of raising children.
Children get born regardless of the paperwork of their parents. That's not the purpose of marriage. Marriage is irrelevant to whether a man and a woman bear a child. It's also irrelevant to whether or not people are going to make good parents. There are plenty of child-abuse horrorshows where there is a father and a mother in the home and they're married to each other. There are also loving families (seeming quite a few in Europe), where the parents decide they don't need any stinking official state or church license in order to live together, raise their children, and love each other, thank you very much.
Nobody wants to tell a church how to hold its sacraments or who to offer them to. That's the church's business. But, civil society doesn't even recognize ceremonial church marriage unless the civil paperwork is filed by a person authorized by the state to perform marriage per its requirements. Legally, marriage is not a religious institution. It's a civil one. And legally, there is no requirement for ANYONE to get married. Child welfare laws are written to operate pretty much the same regardless of the legal status of the parents.
So what is marriage, really? It's a purely optional "institution" for a couple to commit to their life-long love, mutual care and support, and companionship. That's the real and only reason for it.
*NewSpeak -- A form of misleading language used for purposes of political control and deception. Usually means nearly the exact opposite of what it first sounds like. Term coined by George Orwell in his novel, "1984".
Silly? Where..... (caution) anger involved!
This isn't silly:
Pippa K said, <quote:> Some marriages involving bearing children are illegal? A man who fathers a child out of wedlock is not allowed to marry the mother, if he's already married. Why is that? How is that good for the child? <endquote:>
I see nothing wrong with group Marriages, and feel it should be allowed!
If 2 women want to marry the same man and are happy about it, "WHO" is it hurting?
The same if its the other way ... men and women!
Some laws where made by close minded people with no love in there hearts. Only what their interpretation, of what "GOD SAID."
My question is how the hell do they know what, "GOD SAID." Not from the bible. the bible is a group of stories written by man or men on their interpretations of what may have happened in the past!
The only thing that "God wrote" were the 10 commandments, that got broken, (if we believe Hollywood) and then encased in the Ark of the Covenant, (Hollywood again) So I don't know!
Didn't they have group marriages back then?
And what right does some man made Government have to tell me if I can or can't marry the person or persons, that they love! Let alone some little peon with a little mind (if any) but more money then common sense, whom gets this type of shit started in the first place.
Well I'd better stop before I burn everyone eyes out with the 4 letter words that are spewing out of my mouth right now, in anger of the injustest that is hurting our world! Better yet give me a gun with lots of ammo and a list, and I'll take care of the rest.
I'll invoke the Texas law of "They needed killing"
Were are the Borg when we need them?
No Problem
Everybody I know here in San Francisco is already opposed and spending hours on the issue.
marie c.
marie c.
California is not the only state
The Arizona Legislature is pushing a proposition to 'protect marriage' this November as well.
Proposition 102
They tried this two years ago and lost.
As far as I know, though, the idiots have made no attempt (like some other states) to define the terms 'man' and woman'.
Anyway, make sure that where ever you are that you exercise your right to vote and vote your conscience.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil Blonde Proofreaders
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.