Question about tucking. Say a "girl" tucks her male parts in to give impression of a female genitalia. What happens if "she" is aroused and her P turns erect? Does it pop out of the tucked position? How can one stop that?
Thanks a lot.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Question about tucking. Say a "girl" tucks her male parts in to give impression of a female genitalia. What happens if "she" is aroused and her P turns erect? Does it pop out of the tucked position? How can one stop that?
Thanks a lot.
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I'll say it depend on how you
I'll say it depend on how you tuck, It can go from slightly uncomfortable to downright painful to popping out if not properly supported.
Check on Youtub, they got some infos.
Good luck.
Hug tmf
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
Wait for it to calm
Wait for it to calm down.
Tucking an erection will be almost impossible and painful.!
Good foundations clothing will help to.
Peace and love tmf
Post tuck
As a teenager I used to use a very tight pair of control knickers, very much a smaller version of Ang's 'panty-girdle'. They were black, if I remember correctly. Firstly, they were hot. Secondly, they hurt my testicles after a while (though I used to pray the pain meant their imminent demise). Finally, having a teenaged male body meant that I did get regular erections. They hurt, because the organ is bent back while it is filling with blood. It could go nowhere due to my control garment, so I just had to wait. It could not 'pop out', and if it had, returning it would have been impossible.
That is how I found out it was far less painful to point it up and wear looser clothes.
I agree
I used to fight tucking and found it uncomfortable at best. I found that it was nearly impossible to sit comfortably with my legs together and often just sitting was not comfortable.
In the last few years, I have gone the way cyclist described. I start with a pair of high-waisted panties, over that I put on a panty-girdle followed by control top pantyhose. I pull the offending appendage up, pushing the testicles in place as if tucking and then pull first the panties, followed by the panty-girdle up high in the front, then the pantyhose.
This has an advantage to tucking in that there's nothing between the legs so that sitting with legs together is almost automatic. Walking around it's great to feel nothing between my legs. In the unlikely event of an erection, it does have someplace to go.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
A proper gaff
or tight panty-girdle will keep most things in place, but it can become uncomfortable as well as hot. Hormones help to reduce the problem. Taping will also work but can come unstuck or pull on the skin.
Rising son
One thing to consider is the style of clothing. From my own experience, tucking is bloody uncomfortable in situations such as riding a bike, and as that has been a daily experience most of my life it was always of primary concern.
I got round that by leaving it pointing upward, wearing control knickers/shorts and not wearing anything that hugged my crotch. Some jersey skirts tend to cling around there, so something a bit more 'flirty' was always helpful. As for the other bits, I had one removed in my early twenties, the surgeon missing my joke about 'two for the price of one', so there was always rather less to secrete than others might have had.
Once again, I write this from a TS rather than CD angle. As others have said, hormones reduce the problem considerably, but clearly they are not a proper option for someone who crossdresses rather than has full-blown GID.
Love, Andrea Lena
Took it away stop its Peregrinations...
Peregrinne Nations?
When did the falcons get their own countries?;0
Hugs And Giggles,;)
[email protected]
They only ran it as a hobby, before hawking their sovereignty for the saker quiet life. I mean, it was never a lanner opportunity.
so hobbit!
I don't mean to be Smaug, but I think you're Gamling on a rather obscure reference there...
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.
Tucking is not for everyone...
Tight panty with high waistline, parts pointing upwards, some padding on the sides (I used folded socks). Gives quite convincing "mound" down there. For me some 20 years ago it was just extremely painful to try to tuck...
It would likely come out if you're trying to pee while tucked, unless you've used tape and/or glue to keep things in place.
Depends how you're tucked. If you're simply tucked, just un-tuck, pee, and tuck again. If you're using tape you might have to re-tape. Although there are taping techniques that can leave the head of the penis exposed, where you're able to urinate by sitting down. If you're really concerned, they used to sell a faux vagina (maybe still do) that tucks it for you, and has a sheath to allow urination. Maybe they sell something similar now? I don't know. It's been awhile since I've cared to look.
The best advice I could offer at any rate, whether you do any of the above, but especially if you tape, is shave... everywhere. :P
~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.