Ideas for a story: Temporary sex change

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Hi, I'm new.

I'm wondering about writing a story that involves temporary sex change. What mean is the boy gains breasts and his male parts are just altered to resemble female genitalia. But after a while, he can regain his manhood and male looks if he needs to or does not want to be a girl. Are there any which I can look at? I specific want those that involve doctors performing the temporary change and contains medical terms.


Good Luck

You might find it easier to just start writing.


Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I am sorry I was mean.

It has not been the best of days and I was a bitch to you. I am sorry. Like Angela says, just start writing ans see where it takes you. :)


Possible Temporaty Sex Changes

Dear Hanging Around;

I caught your inquisitive post. GREAT IDEA, but not really doable.

As I perceive it, there are only two ways for it to be possible for a young male to be able to look on themselves in a non-attired state and see what they would look like if they had been born female.

The first involves use of appliances. (Like breast forms, ETC.)

There was an advertisement on BCTS for "Hip and Cheek" pads. I believe these were from a UK source that was applied similar to some breast forms with all ready on, or sprayed on adhesive.

This plus breast forms, (Advertised on this site by The Breast Form Store,) and something I have seen on TG websites that is a Faux Vagina, That can be used in a urination possible way, or a sex receptive way. (Sorry, it didn't seem that it was possible to be able to have it with both capibilies.)

These items, applied with pro level make up filler, a wig, and choker to hide the Adam's Apple, might make this possible for a young male to think he's been sex changed.

If the goal is for a totally natural happening, this might be tried.


Some decades ago, I read of a way for those subjected to the French, Code Napoleon, to have a sex change and not subject the surgeon to a homicide charge.

Some believe that if you remove male genitalia you remove a man, and thus perform a homicide.

First you have the "Original" equipment placed in the canals they descended from. Use a bit of rectal tissue to be the vaginal canal, and the Scrotum to form external pudenda.

I understand this to be a currently viable form of procedure for sex reassignment and have it with some reverseblity.

As for a more feminine overall form; YOU'RE STUCK!

There is NO WAY to really create Breasts on a male torso with out FEMALE HORMONES.

This will take about 12 months to get a decent size. (But only if Mommy is of good size. Remember the male gets breasts one cup lesser than Mommy.)

Problems: First of all, the person who wants the young male feminine must really want the young male hurt bad, or feminine very badly.

After the first 3 months of hormones, "Little Dickey" starts to have "problems" becoming erect. After 6 months, he has been chemically "castrated". From this there is no reversal.

This is also a problem in persuading the young male to go along as...

How do you think young males become addicted to pretending to be female?

There is either some psychological need or aspect to this, that starts him on his dressing, Or he got addicted the other way.

Along time ago, I read an article re-print on the subject on another TG site.

According to this article, the young male, inordinately fascinated by female attire, dresses and becomes aroused, and deals with the arousal in a pleasureing manner. This leads to other occurences which lead on and on.

With out this pleasuring, How is the young male to be persuaded to goon with this?

Remembering a great classic of TG fiction, "Leslie's Adventures in Petticoats" (Henceforward referred to as "Leslie"),

Leslie was subjected to a year's worth of corsseting and torso shaping before he was dumped at a clinic and given implants to give him 36 C's.

Remember; This was written when there wasn't a lot of knowledge about such matters generally.

Your idea of a young male turned female is a great idea. But is NOT overly reverseable.

You could consider a body suite that covers from ankles to head, but I think this works only in colder months.

Please just start writing your tale and the issues might just resolve themselves.

My apologies for the spelling.

Thank You for your time and attention.