Okay, I may not be the first one to point out that when you search for complete stories, solo stories do not show up in the search?
By definition, a Solo story would therefore be a complete story, yes?
Therefore, why do the not automatically wind up with the 'complete' category associated with them?
Is there some way to search the solo stories and complete all at the same time?
A complete story
Searching for completed stories only works if the author sets the completed story keyword.
Maybe the Catagory heading needs to be more felicitous
Hi Wholeman and all,
I haven't used the search system much, but I think I would like stand-alone stories to be separate from finished multi-part stories. Perhaps the name of the catagory could be "Completed Series" to help writers and readers choose correctly.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.