Character Names - Whoops!

Sometimes a character's name is important. Sometimes it defines their personality. Sometimes you just want a convenient background character, with no intention of ever using them again, and then they start to grow on you, and you wish you'd put more thought into that character's name.

I now find myself such a situation with one of my characters. Well, two, technically. This was an absent-minded moment on my part.

When I chose the name of 'Rachel' for Rachel Kleiner, the girl Robin met at camp, I originally had two names picked out for her, in either Rachel or Regina. Rachel seemed fitting at the time, and she became a minor background character going forward into Book Two. Much farther in B2 however, I needed another female character who would, in time, become more important to the story.

This is where the absent-minded part comes into play. I genuinely thought that, when I created the photographer Rachel, I had used Regina for the other character. So now I'm faced with a difficult choice.

As I'm writing B3, both characters are going to be involved in some capacity going forward, and that's going to get very confusing, so I need to re-name one of them.

There's another situation where I mistakenly thought I had named Laura "Lisa", but I know where that confusion came from. I spent some time with a dear friend of mine, dating a wonderful lady named Lisa, when I was writing B2, and the two just kind of got mixed up. That's an honest mistake I intend to correct as well.

I'm thinking about, since the photographer is the newer character and as such, fresher in anyone's mind that's been reading my writings, going back and changing the girl scout Rachel to Regina. It has a similar ring to it, to my mind, and I feel it fits her personality just as well (else I wouldn't have considered it originally ;-)).

It's a little more work tracking down every instance across two novels, but it's not that bad, and it makes things easier going forward as I write B3.

So my advice to my fellow authors is this: keep an updated character list if you don't already, and if you have to (like I'm doing ;-)), post a sticky note on your monitor to remind yourself to check that list when introducing a new character, so you won't fall into the bog I now find myself visiting :-D


Edit: I. Am. An idiot :-P

Looking back, I DID end up using the name Regina for the photographer. I think that's where I got myself confused. I'll go back and correct it. Again. I should've double-checked, which was mistake number two.

Somebody shoot me :-P

This just emphasizes keeping track of names though. Wow. I can't believe I did that.

What happened was, as I was writing Book 3, I mistakenly thought I had named Regina (the photographer) Rachel because I HAD considered giving Rachel that name, and as such, as I continued to write well into Chapter 4 (about 40ish pages so far), I kept reinforcing my own mistake.

Luckily I have the tools to quickly fix this so it's not a problem, but the VERY FIRST THING I do when I'm done is updating my character list to include every major and minor character I've added to the story. I got lazy, and I'm paying for it now :-)

Everything's as it should be now, and I'm adding the extra character names and backgrounds to my big list. I'm fast-learning why more experienced authors have expressed upon me in the past an important need for organization. I'm such a scatter-brain sometimes that it's especially true for me >_>

G'night everyone :-)