Hiya I was wondering if there was anyone who would like to be a editor for a story I'm currently writing (or trying to)? It's a space based action story (or will be when i get to the action bit) and there will probably be some adult scenes/content later on.
However I just would like to check with someone who likes the genre if I'm heading in the right direction :)
I'll do it
I'll do it, if you still need someone :)
Dunno if you are american or not but are you kind to British English spellers? As I wouldn't like an editor telling me off for my spelling Color as Colour :-)
I am Canadian, so that
I am Canadian, so that wouldn't bother me... :)
You spell just any way you like honey.
I know what prigs Americans can be; being one. :)
I'm an OLD Canadian too...
So I'd be interested in proof reading anything you feel like sending. And my computer has the spell checker set to "British" already...
However, be advised that I'm old and when I went to school we still used words like woke. ie; "she woke up in a strange body, albeit in a familiar bed". Modern lazy spellers prefer to write things like; "she waked up in a strange body, but in a familiar bed". Another one that bugs me is "shined" instead of (the proper) "shone".
And no, I didn't learn my vocab out of McGuffys reader. But the Dick and Jane books were new...
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue
Don't worry if anything like that has weasled its way into one of my stories its just because I haven't found it yet to get rid of it. Is waked even a real word? ... I'm trying hard to thing of a sentence it actually 'fits' into.
Past, present, and future
Past, present, and future tenses are something that was beaten into me by my teachers. Mrs. Catch had an absolutely ferocious glare she could turn on you if you used the wrong tense. In grade four, she was the god we all feared... with the ability to reduce us to small quivering lumps of protoplasm simply by raising one eyebrow. With luck, she is now entombed in steel lined concrete somewhere. Thinking about it, it should be fairly easy to trace her using a geophone. Just listen for a buried jet, because the way English is mangled everyday in the newspapers, she is surely spinning in her grave like an out of control jet engine.
I find it distracts from a story, indeed, it can ruin a story, when simple grammatical errors exist in a story. Using passed for past, or vice versa, makes me think someone doesn't know English. When I read a line that uses the word waked, it's usually in the wrong context. It 'is' a word, but like you, I'd have to think long and hard to fit it into a sentence. Wake, woke, awaken, awoke, woken, waking, all perfectly valid words. Waked? Duh, maybe as the past tense when talking about a recently deceased Irishman's send-off party...
Some days you're the pigeon, some days you're the statue