Ignore list

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Why do I still have to see postings from people in my ignore list..... I place authors in my ignore list when I dont want to see them anymore yet the story still shows up with a message this user is in your ignore list. I have been trying to figure out how to bring this up but this is the only place I can find to do so. The only authors that end up in my ignore list are ones that place the word Starter in the title it makes me uncomfortable like they are just posting on a whim and won't seriously consider continuing or finishing it.

Ignore works perfectly

Ignore works perfectly even though it might be misnamed. It's the content of the author and not the author themselves which is the issue. If ignore worked any other way then it would violate rules one two and three. Think of it as an envelope addressed to you except there is no letter inside. It's a second chance to sample what the author is currently offering as opposed to what it was that offended you.

I think it should be called Snooze instead of Ignore. Just like the snooze alarm gives you a second chance at getting up, the snooze list gives you a second chance to listen to what they say. Afterall it would be unfriendly to carry a grudge against an author without any means of redemption. A look at the envelopes without the content gives you a chance to give a second chance. That's not too much to ask when you are in a friendly place like this one. BCTS is a a place for second chances because it is a friendly place. So my opinion is that it should be renamed the snooze list.

I have a mental list

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

I just have learned by experience which authors that consistently write in a genre I don't want to read or have in some other way earned my desire not to read their work and I simply scroll by their offerings.

Simple process. Fortunately, the list is small and it's not hard to remember them all.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann