Hebe Dotson posted short stories on StorySite back in the early 2000s, and there were some there that I enjoyed a lot.
My favorite was her sweet trilogy, "Half-Brothers", "Half-Sisters Too" and "Sisters Three" (2003-06). The recent blog question here -- 9/9/2020 by Angela Rasch -- about favorite abandoned stories reminded me that I'd wondered for years after StorySite stopped adding stories whether she'd ever written a fourth one from the POV of the three characters' friend Fiona. (Each of the three siblings had narrated one of the stories.)
Anyway. looking online for her byline to see whether it turned up anywhere else brought up this eleven-minute YouTube presentation from her daughter, Jennifer Adams, in 2018. It turns out that she came out to her two daughters at age 80 in 2010, and after that she lived as a woman for what turned out to be less than two years before emergency surgery ended things for her.
Her story's fairly familiar, as compared to others I've read over the years from folks here, but I found it interesting and it answered some of my questions as to her background and her life after 2006. So I thought it might be worth posting the link here. The sound volume is awful; it's apparently being recorded from the back of a small theater, and there's no amplification. It gets better once Ms Adams takes over from the person who introduced her, but I had to put my ear next to the laptop screen, and I still didn't quite get it all.
I wish the audio was better
I have Bluetooth noise canceling headphones that allow me to farther amplify audio that comes to them. With that all the way up and the volume all the way up on my laptop, and the volume on YouTube all the way up, I couldn't follow the presentation.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
And the half-stories?
I went and looked them up
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."