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I remember that there used to be a separate 'on/off' checkbox for it under 'My Account' → 'Edit' → 'Account' → 'Personalize blocks' that was distinct from 'bottom-separator,' but I don't see it any more.
Not currently
Currently that isn't in one of the turn-offable theme-zones. Plans to make it switchable have not been carried out yet.
We have other site updates being worked on but this is now back on the list.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I would assume...
I would assume ads can't be turned off since this is part of the way the site is able to earn bucks to keep running.
Normally, in other sites, the ability to turn off ads would be part of the privileges of those who pay subscription fees et cetera. I would suppose that would be the same here. (I wouldn't know since I'm not a donor nor a Patreon patron here. My reasons for not being one are several, but one of them is to maintain my semi-stealth status.)
Anyway, that's just an assumption. I could be wrong...
click here to read all of my blogs,
click here to read my stories in BCTS, and
click here to see my profile & know more about me.
I agree on that. I get intentionally vague about certain things about myself.
I don’t donate online as an example so I lose out on Patreon and subscriber bennies etc even though I give easily high tier support.
I'm a Marketeer, which Is Like Saying I'm Voyueristic
I buy data in mass quantities on individuals and businesses. Anyone who thinks they're anonymous anymore is kidding themselves.
This past week I attended a direct mail seminar. The presenter told us it was now possible to send mail to a mailing address for anyone who comes into your site. No cookies involved. No registration. That mailing could make a postcard to you mirror your interest by the content of the page you were on. They can't capture your name but. . ..
If someone knows your mailing address, they quickly can find out . . . damn near everything.
I checked data on myself and found out that the world knows I'm interested in cosmetics and fashion.
Tell yourself whatever you need to -- to get through the day, but the world knows where you go, what you do, and can easily guess why.
I'm not saying it isn't prudent to watch what footprint you leave on the web, I'm saying your footprints are there much more than you might realize.
The theme of many of my stories on this site is that those around us know much more about us than we think.
Gee. . ..
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Jill I know all about you girl
Joking around one day I asked Bru if she knew who Anglea Rasch was. She gave me a few hints to make me curious but for a full dossier I'd needed to anti up dinaro, money. It cost me but I got the real stuff. My silence can be bought but I don't come cheap. Midnight, the Red Dog Salon, bring gold and you can have it. Otherwise I sell it to the tabloids. Oh and just to firm up the deal and prove I have the real stuff..., does Lockner Lake, camping trip, skinny dipping ring a bell??? Midnight don't be late.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
And, I Have the Pictures
Publish -- and I will reciprocate.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Bru sold us both out!
Why that low down scheming bitch!. Wait until next time I see her. I'd give her a piece of my mind if I had any to share. The bitch has no ethics. Kinda like me. My kind of woman. What say you and me invite her out for a Red Neck Barbecue/ Bring your camera and recorder. It's get even time.
Truce okay focus on Bru
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Blackmail only works if the target tries to hide something
Absolutely shameless people that can disappear at will .... Much better than MAD!
I'll be there - Just look for a red Neck, blueballed, brownnosing Blackfoot with green Thumbs
The autocorrupt function for comments must be German. It insists to change nouns to start with a capital letter regardless of position in the sentence.
The presenter told us it was
Unless this uses either social network cookies or browser location - I strongly doubt it works well. Or at all.
PS. Many sites, when browsed from my workplace, claim that I am located in different country, about 2000km from the place I am really in.
PPS. But when you browse directly from cell phone - cell ISPs can send your phone number/identification. Unless you use VPN.
I am going to add that:
This isn't always an issue of stealth as such, or only stealth. Boobs* on the screen may be awkward in more then one way, that has nothing to do with people knowing you read Transgender or LGBT Fiction.
>i< ..:::
* Note: I used the word "Boobs" deliberately in context of other being shocked glimpsing your screen.
It is awkward to have that come up whenever I log out, as others may inadvertantly see.
One solution may be to display something other than the home screen after logout, for example the login screen. After all, the number of people who log out and then read stories from the front page can probably be counted on the fingers of a chicken!
Yeah, that's more why I was asking if this ad in particular could get hidden in the first place. I don't mind BigCloset's ads, especially since there aren't an obscene amount of them like on some sites. The story carousels promoting books you can get on Amazon don't bother me at all, and I like to see what's current in that department anyway, so I leave those on. (I presume those are affiliate links?) That aside, seeing an ad between a story and its comments section breaks immersion/interaction flow slightly, but the only other places a banner ad like that (though preferably for something else) would fit is near the page header or footer.
Always with a song in their heart.
Lyrical magical, confound it all; I've gone and gotten myself stuck lost somewhere deep in the Infinity Library again…
If you use adblocker (and you
If you use adblocker (and you probably use it), just right click on the offending image, and select 'block element' - this is for 'ublock origin'.
Similar way works for adblock.
At least bigcloset doesn't try to randomise the image names and IDs, like others do.
Ads help pay the rent
Okay, that said, I'm running noScript. I haven't ever seen the advertisement in question, not because I blocked it. It was blocked automatically I guess. Wonder how much else I'm missing???
Please if one is blocking ads from this site which the ladies work tirelessly and usually without pay to keep it up and running, donate. It doesn't have to mean you can't meet this month's grocery bills, or the utility bills. How hard is it to send a few dollars? When one is running on a razor edge financially like the ladies are, every donation helps no matter how small. And guess what? Those small donations from hundreds of readers are a whole lot more important than a larger donation from one reader.
I have procrastinated time and time again about getting my web site back up and running and hoping I don't have to because BCTS is no longer here for me to post my pathetic attempts at writing. Maybe if I put it back up and pointed readers to BCTS would it help or just create more giga byte drain on their system?
You're on your own people. It has to be a personal choice. Personally I'm too fat. I weighed in at the VA a couple weeks back. One hundred thirty nine fat lbs. I'll skip that bacon eggs sausage at Micky Dee and send a donation to the ladies. Werks fer me.
hugs people
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Spot on Barb
The display of those ads possibly generate a cent or two (probably less). Donate even $10/month is way, way more than the the site would get purely on clicks.
I hate ALL Adverts. I was pretty ambivalent until I went to work for a company that sells advertising online. Understanding how SEO (Search Engine Optomisation, where your advert appears according to how much mulah you are prepared to pay the likes of Google was a real eye opener. Then the final straw was the targetted advertising. I saw what is possible and did not like that future one little bit.
Going to the Mall? Taking your phone with you? Then turn OFF WiFi and BlueTooth. Mall operators will track your every step. How long you linger in front of which stores and a whole lot more. They'll sell that to advertisers and businesses.
I won't turn off my Adblocker. Any site that demands it won't get my business. Hey, are you listening?
You have a choice. Don't do business with companies that insist on presenting ads to you.
Ad revenues
Currently, BC makes about $2000-2450/month on ads. Before Amazon cut us off from our ad revenue and associate status there, we made another $400-800 a month. Ten years ago, when Google cut us off from ad revenue, we made about $400 a month on much less traffic than we have now. Before Project Wonderful submerged in the sea, we made and spent $150-300 a month there.
It's not pennies but there's also a reason most of the ads on BC can be turned off just by logging in.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.