My problem is that I really don't like the direction my story about Alicia Is going. The latest chapters seem good but the entire direction it took bugs me. IT hasn't turned out the way I wanted when I begun writing it. Including the title. I think I will pull the Alicia stories and rewrite them correctly.
I hav not made any final decisions yet, I am really conflicted.
There were two paths i envisioned and I had one path firmly chosen yet as i wrote it, it was going down the other path on its own lol against what i intended. Yea i know im the writer that was writing it. I will kick my muse.
It's your story.
You need to tell it your way, but sometimes you have to listen to your muse and the characters.
I wrote a story where what I had envisioned ended up being 180 degrees off what the final story came out to be. Essentially between the two main characters I had mentally mapped out how their relationship would develop. When I wrote the story the various key elements of the story ended fitting better for the opposite character. In the end I think the story was better than I had envisioned because of this change.
Now I'm writing a prequel to that story (and having major writer's block at the moment, only 10-20 pages of writing left grrrrr). My problem now is I don't have that flexibility. I have to get this story to where the previous story starts with all of the various plot elements between the two stories being a close as possible.
I guess what I'm saying is you have to look at the situation and decide whether to stick with your original idea or go with where your muse or the characters are taking the story. Just because it isn't what you originally envisioned doesn't necessarily make it wrong or a worse story.
Guess I wasn't much help. Sorry.
Well, You Can Do This...
Where the story went wrong, you can have that as a dream. That way there is no need to pull the story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Stanman, the dream sequence for an entire 8 chapters... that's just not going to happen for one, and for two that's the cheapest trick in the book and the most over used. No, Christine, sweetie the story is fine, yes it's gotten dark but dark is expected after what Heidi went through. Also sometimes your stories go ways you really don't like, but maybe at the end they might surprise you, it's good to listen to your muse because she knows what's best ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I can definitely relate
There's one big proclem with fluid, dynamic characters, and that's that they tend to have minds of their own. I had rough outlines for how I wanted Echoes and Oh, Cheers both to go, but the characters took over before I even started writing, and had their own plans. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow.
Melanie E.
To avoid a MAJOR detour...
... I tend to work from an outline of sorts... This helps me recognize the turns in my writing a little faster. If you feel the need to do a major re-write of your story (& have no intention of comming back and finishing it the way it's going).
Then, by all means - Fix things. Though, I'd suggest you re-write the chapters - and only when you get back to a comparable place do you delete the old chapters and post new ones.
Also - I'd suggest (in the even tyou decide to rewrite) that you EDIT your existing chapters header so that folks know you're changing the story line in these chapters - so folks read them - knowing they're subject to change.
I must apologise because I have not read your story. A time and balance issue. I can understand the feeling of having those damn characters wander off on their own and try to make you consider their point of view. I mean come on, who invented the little buggers in the first place. Trouble is, once you set them free they have a mind of their own. You no longer truly control them, they seem to think that they exist and have a right to their own point of view... curiously I sort of agree with them.
I will admit to a distinct dislike where things are removed, wiped out with all the thought that went into the initial creation, not to mention the sheer numerical unliklehood of comments in the first place so to wipe them out as well is some sort of crime. I seriously doubt that repost will ever equal the original in terms of impact or sheer desire for people to comment.
So perfect or not it is what it is. You post, you hope someone comments. Minor faults you fix. If... if you seriously have a new perspective and wish to revisit. Do a revised edition as separate entity. Do not wipe all that thought and goodwill.
Writers block?
is it a case of Writers block
Pro Libertate (For liberty)
Family Crest and Motto