Hi, all. After editing Wildcats Book 3 a while back, I decided to do a search on the name. Unlike Megan Campbell's -- which when first posted actually included her 2011 tour dates from the story -- there's nothing about Leslie's Wildcats on the Web.
But it turns out that there is an established group called the Wildcats out there -- though they're in the U.K., and they look a little different...
Actually, they were (and are) the backing musicians for circa-1960 pop idol Marty Wilde, though I gather that like the Shadows who backed up Cliff Richard, they also did some instrumentals on their own. Apparently they (and Marty) occasionally still perform. (So does Marty's daughter Kim Wilde, the 80s star, mostly in Germany. And at least three other members of the family can be found on YouTube.)
There's also a Wildcats blues band out of Worcester, MA that recorded a couple of albums between 1998 and 2001, and an instrumental group out of New Jersey called the Wild-Cats who recorded an album and a couple of singles for United Artists back in 1959-60 -- sort of a one-hit wonder without the hit.