How to Defeat the "Duck Test"

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I am reading a TG fiction author who makes occasional reference in her stories to what has become known as the “Duck Test” (y’know, “if it looks, walks, quacks, etc. like a duck”?). Unfortunately, this seemingly simple test of reality is easily defeated with a liberal application of duc’tape…

So true...

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

Trying to find competent medical advice is enough to drive a person quackers.


Indeed! The experts at Myth Busters have demonstrated many times that any problem can be overcome by its liberal application.

Red MacDonald

From what I have heard...

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

the number of imaginative practical applications people have thought up for duc’tape is practically limitless. Now that is a liberal application of thought applied to finding practical applications for the liberal application of duc’tape. Imagine that!

As theories go...

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

the Duck Test has certainly laid an egg. Now, this puts the proponents in the unenviable position of having something fragile on their hands; if their theory should happen to crack, the yolk is on them. It is only sensible that they should seek to reinforce their position by applying duc’tape to the egg instead of the duck.

Duck testing

Or as Mark Watney commented in the novel The Martian, "Duct's magic! Worship it!"
Spoken like a true experimental physicist.

Duck alignment

Aljan Darkmoon's picture

There is no doubt that duc’tape has the wondrous ability to help get your ducks in a row…and to keep them there!