I love this site but I am honestly starting to get incredibly frustrated with it at the same time. I don't enjoy TG stories that have the MC liking, being attracted to or having a crush on men. I just cannot fully enjoy those stories. So I am looking for novel length stories where the MC is forced into a MTF transformation through either magic or technology, struggles with their identity, and is a lesbian.
A lot of stories have those elements but then they have portions where for some reason the MC just starts gushing over men. I don't enjoy that and it really dampens the story for me. Its gotten to the point where it has honestly become incredibly frustrating and hurtful because there is either so little available or its so hard to find. I'm tired of only tiny short stories having these elements or themes and I'm tired of how bad BC's search system is at finding them.
But one more thing I also would like is one where the MC struggles with the changes. Sure I have enjoyed those where the MC becomes their rightful gender and adapts almost instantly, but that isn't what I'm looking for either.
Most important though is NO liking, gushing or crushing over a man. Where the character is not attracted to men at all besides friends or familial
Edit: So I guess I wasn't as cleat as I should have been in the post and I am terribly sorry for that. While I am grateful for many of the suggestions I feel I need to make things a little bit clearer. What I am asking for to be more specific and add on to what I have already posted are novel length stories where the Main Character, or Primary Character is not attracted to men in either a sexual or physical fashion. Nothing beyond what one would feel for a friend or family member.
I wish to avoid the because you're in the body of a woman you have to like men regardless of whether you like women or not. Now I have read several of those kinds of stories, including a few already suggested, and many are wonderfully well written which I can appreciate and I can enjoy the narrative of them, however what I desire are for the ones where the character is not attracted to men. Sadly I was not clear enough and a few of the stories suggested while excellent were what was I was asking not to have suggested. they weren't bad or terrible by any means I just couldn't fully enjoy them, which even I can admit is a very sad thing because they were wonderful.
Sorry once again for not being as clear as I should have been, And if I've offended anyone with my request I am truly sorry. Its not my intention to offend, I just wish to read the stories I can honestly and more deeply connect with and Its unbelievably difficult to find those stories. Hence the request
Sorry if I made you misunderstand
Thank you for your recommendations.
Now to address the last part of your comment. Please don't think I am just rejecting them out of hand or off the cuff, because I can assure you I am not. I'm not just rejecting it because of the characters sexuality, and I honestly feel horrible for even having put this post up in the forums because it seems like that's exactly what I am doing. But I am doing it because I want a character I can relate even a little more closely to. I understand very well just how many incredible TG stories there are out there and how well written so many of them are. But when all you want are even a few of that small number of stories where you can relate more closely to the character, and you think you've finally found one, only to have that relatability shattered, it hurts, I have broken down crying a fair few times because of this.
I honestly have nothing against TG stories where the MC's sexuality is attracted to men, but that's a vast majority of the stories on virtually any site you go to. And, what's worse is that most of the ones where the MC is attracted to women alone they are either porn, short story's, or just badly written swill, which makes it even more disheartening. I have started to write my own work, because I do believe in "write what you want to read" but there is a difference between writing and reading
And another thing that makes it harder is that BC's search system brings up not just the stories that have those elements or themes but individual chapters that are labeled with them as well. So you think you've finally found a story after having searched for who knows how long only to discover that its that individual chapter, or only a few chapters, where those elements are present. That only increases the frustration I feel. So I have began to become more and more disheartened and it lead me to making this post.
Lesbian stories
Efin mentioned Bailey Summers ongoing story Jem.
Other stories by the same author that might fit your criteria are: Snakes and Ladders (unfinished), Encrypted (unfinished), and possibly Bridges and the sequel Covered Bridges. Don't Blame Me, I'm A Martian also has a strong lesbian element. Just like Absinthe, Opium and Honor.
The Winnisemmet Tales by Efindumb have a lot lesbian romance, though there are also plenty of hetero and gay romances. Though there is no explicit sex in these tales, there is quite a bit of violence (but no glorification of violence).
You might also want to check out the stories by JulieO.
An offer
If I may be so bold as to offer one of my own, The State Does Not Make Mistakes.
As much of this takes place inside a women's prison, there's not much opportunity for any other kind of relationship.
There are many other girl-to-girl stories here but usually the author doesn't make a specific point about the relationship. They're just stories with a good plot and interesting characters.
Check three stories
Becoming Annabelle Lee, Sirens, Life of A Angel
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
I have a few
Missing Pieces
Who are the Real Monsters?
Pixie's Honor
Beyond the Pale
Is fearr Gaeilge briste, ná Béarla clíste.
Broken Irish is better than clever English.
I can heartily...
...back elsbeth's recco of her stories, especially Beyond the Pale, one of my favorites. Same thing with several of Bailey's stories like Jem and X-Why-Me.
I get your feeling about not feeling represented enough in the stories on offer. I try to take the stories with trans/transformed characters finding themselves unexpectedly androphilic as just a story of a romance between two people, one of whom is dealing with a significant and not-always-voluntary change in gender or gender presentation (or even in self-awareness as the complexities of their biology make themselves known, a la Maddy Bell's Gaby or Ellen's Tuck) and as much as possible let the rest go. It isn't always comfortable, but then again, few things in my own life are, completely, so...
There is something as well in the suddenness of the attraction. Many girls experience sudden, overwhelmingly strong attraction to a particular individual as part of their early adolescence, and many stories featuring that are, if not entirely true to life, certainly within a "realish" artistic portrayal. Now, it bears recognizing that gynephilic girls at that same stage also are often (possibly proportionally more so) ambushed by the unexpected overturning of their expectations for life and love. The confusion and dysphoric feelings can be substantial and crippling. Worth both sides of this equation to remember.
And last, as the saying goes, if you can't find a story that fits what you want, please write one! :-) I know I'd love to read a--or another--well-written one!
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Check out stories by kyorii on FM...
Especially River and following books (it is hard to call 10000 word pieces "chapters").
It is not in order in the search as several books were updated and reposted.
Link to the search by author
10,000 words not a chapter?
Um, for SEE most of the chapters range between 6,000 and 9,000 words. One is less than 6,000 while several are more than 10,000.
There are 143 chapters. Are you trying to tell me something?
The length of a chapter
I've noticed that most authors here who are posting a long story here tend to serialize it into 10,000 word posts. And many of these authors tend to treat each post as a chapter. I like it this way.
By the way I just started reading Somewhere Else Entirely a few days ago when several authors posted about it and I decided to check it out. I read until about 3:30 am that night and continued on after a 5 hour nap. Outside of my sleep deprivation I'm finding it to be an awesome story. I am currently on chapter 44 and absolutely delighted to know that I still have many days of awesome reading ahead of me.
The link is at https://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/24164/somewhere-else-ent...
Sorry, missed a zero typing on my phone.
400 to 600 kb per "chapter" in that River. ~100000 words.
That's why a thousands separator is useful, especially when you have, like, a million zeroes. It makes it easier to spot typoes like yours as well.
Even if you can't decide whether to use a '.', a ',' (according to local custom) or even a space it helps the brain figure out roughly how big the number is.
Yes... But...
With a touch keyboard on a phone it is quite easy not to put a separator in, and then it is very difficult to check that number of zeroes is correct... And then you have to have a very good aim to hit a place for the saparator... And at the same time you need to get back to work... So it is easy to make mistake, not easy to spot it and difficult to correct it. :-)
Anyway, my point was about a story which has in spades: TG lesbian romance, triller, shooter, mission impossible, and happy endings.
Julie O
Has some novel length stories that cover several books that would fit what you are looking for...
Try the Fresh Start / Coeds series here
or Ambition / Purpose on Stardust
While some of her other stories that have a hetero relationship, there's no 'gushing over a guy' as the characters are often struggling with both the change of sex and orientation.
Lesbian only
You can try SaraUKs story's in her "you have it all wrong" universe
It has a mix but the principles are lesbian (it's a pretty big universe and loads of fun).
JulieO's "Fresh Start", Susan Browns "Changes" and Penny Lanes "The state doesn't make mistakes" are also cracking reads and well written.
There are a load of others on this site you just have to ferret them out
Thank You Everyone
Thank you all so much for the story recommendations. I haven't even heard of many of the stories posted here so it sounds like I may have a decent amount of reading ahead of me, and I am very much looking forward to it. I am honestly grateful for the recommendations everyone has posted and I am sorry if my post offended anybody, that most certainly was not my intention. So once again thank you all and if there are even more updates or posts on stories I look forward to learning about them.
Chapter length
Actually, I read some where that a chapter can be as many pages as a writer wants them to be. I was always under the impression a chapter should be at least twelve pages long and novels should be at least 180,000 words. I mean that is what most major publishers look for.
If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison
I don't know about editors,...
But typical paperback novell is 300000 bytes in ASCII. So, around 50000 words. 180000 words is about the size of HHGTTG "Trilogy in five parts". Or 2 books out of LoTR trilogy...
Lesbian stories
Actually, it seems to me, that the lion's share of stories posted here are lesbian themed.
lioness' share?
I personally enjoy stories where the protagonist and her lover are old enough for CARBON dating.....
Love, Andrea Lena
I Just Wish to make things clear
Hi everyone, I uhm guess I wasn't terribly specific enough in my post. I'm not just looking for stories where the character is in a lesbian relationship but more specifically towards ones where the character is a lesbian and isn't attracted to men. I'm not looking for the generic because your woman you must be attracted to men regardless of whether you like women or not stories. I'm terribly sorry if that wasn't clear enough and I will make sure to adjust the forum post to reflect that. So again I am terribly sorry if my initial post wasn't properly clear enough. But still thank you for the suggestions everyone.
I understand that and I have
I understand that and I have actually given several a chance having now read a few of the suggestions. But the ones I have read were ones were the Main character also ended up being attracted to men regardless of the relations with a woman. I update the forum post and wrote that message because of the story suggestions I've already read. And I have read them fully through and I did very much enjoy them for their narratives, but I couldn't fully enjoy the experience. Now I know I'm being a horrible person to make such requests but the thing is I desire to read stories I can more deeply connect with beyond just enjoying the narrative. I love being able to connect with the characters on a more emotional level and to be able to immerse myself in that world, I have tried so many times to do that with novels and stories where the character is heterosexual or bisexual but it just doesn't happen. I don't get the full enjoyment of the novel out of it. I can read and enjoy the narratives of any number of stories regardless of orientation, but I wish to fully enjoy the reading experience. I'm not trying to just dismiss out of hand any other stories, I am just wishing to request any knowledge of those I can truly enjoy because it is honestly incredibly difficult to find any.
I am writing my own story since I do love to write and I do believe in writing what you love, but I also love to read as well. So I write my story but I find it enjoyable to just immerse oneself into anothers world as well
I can feel your pain...
I had a period where any transformation impossible by current cosmetics, medicine or science was instant "turn off" of a "slam the book closed and throw it out of the window" kind.
Then it passed.
And now I give "magical transformation" stories a chance. And even managed to enjoy a story where "mature" sound engineer guy nicknamed "Bear" was mind transferred into young starlet. (anybody remember the name of a story? time to reread it...)
Another thing is that no one is free from lifelong preconceptions. You are girl? You have to be attracted to boys. Even if you are attracted to girls. For many years it was "common knowledge" that TG are just gay people who are too shy to "be out be proud"...
Many authors are using this attraction to males as a plot device to show how change in hormones messes up your head. And hormones could mess up your perceptions and attractions. Once read in the interview of heterosexual FTM guy, that when he first started to take testosterone it made him feel attraction to guys for some time.
So... As it is said so often... Gender is a spectrum, sexuality is a spectrum, and they are on different planets. Then ther is a sexual attraction which is also a strange blotched and uneven mix of gender, sex, fetishes, childhood experiences...
Re: the story
The story you are looking for with the character Bear is Before My Time by Bob Arnold and can be found on StorySite
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What you've written does make
What you've written does make a lot of sense. And it does seem to have been a very long and gradual process for me into being this way. Maybe it will pass in time but something tells me that's unlikely. But who's to say since I don't know the future. As others on here have already posted, and as you have said, it is very possible for that matter that it is prejudices and preconceptions that are being carried over and clouding the stories. Societal views are such massive and overwhelming concepts that we carry them over with us wherever we go. One being that if you're a girl that equals liking men.