Looking for Lesbian only stories

I love this site but I am honestly starting to get incredibly frustrated with it at the same time. I don't enjoy TG stories that have the MC liking, being attracted to or having a crush on men. I just cannot fully enjoy those stories. So I am looking for novel length stories where the MC is forced into a MTF transformation through either magic or technology, struggles with their identity, and is a lesbian.

A lot of stories have those elements but then they have portions where for some reason the MC just starts gushing over men. I don't enjoy that and it really dampens the story for me. Its gotten to the point where it has honestly become incredibly frustrating and hurtful because there is either so little available or its so hard to find. I'm tired of only tiny short stories having these elements or themes and I'm tired of how bad BC's search system is at finding them.

But one more thing I also would like is one where the MC struggles with the changes. Sure I have enjoyed those where the MC becomes their rightful gender and adapts almost instantly, but that isn't what I'm looking for either.

Most important though is NO liking, gushing or crushing over a man. Where the character is not attracted to men at all besides friends or familial

Edit: So I guess I wasn't as cleat as I should have been in the post and I am terribly sorry for that. While I am grateful for many of the suggestions I feel I need to make things a little bit clearer. What I am asking for to be more specific and add on to what I have already posted are novel length stories where the Main Character, or Primary Character is not attracted to men in either a sexual or physical fashion. Nothing beyond what one would feel for a friend or family member.

I wish to avoid the because you're in the body of a woman you have to like men regardless of whether you like women or not. Now I have read several of those kinds of stories, including a few already suggested, and many are wonderfully well written which I can appreciate and I can enjoy the narrative of them, however what I desire are for the ones where the character is not attracted to men. Sadly I was not clear enough and a few of the stories suggested while excellent were what was I was asking not to have suggested. they weren't bad or terrible by any means I just couldn't fully enjoy them, which even I can admit is a very sad thing because they were wonderful.

Sorry once again for not being as clear as I should have been, And if I've offended anyone with my request I am truly sorry. Its not my intention to offend, I just wish to read the stories I can honestly and more deeply connect with and Its unbelievably difficult to find those stories. Hence the request