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Hello everyone,
I was looking for a story I read a couple years ago. I can't remember the author or the story's name.
It was something along the lines of an astronaut turning into a super girl type character.
I really likes that one and I have looked but my memory has failed me.
Thanks for any and all help
Alys: Gift of the Red Planet?
Could be this one
I'm Not Supergirl
Could it be "I'm Not Supergirl" by Grover? It probably isn't because in this story it's a university student that turns into Supergirl. But NASA figures into this occasionally, as does trips into orbit, to the Moon and to Mars. And there is a lot of talk about how to colonize various spots in the solar system. So if your memory is jumbled a little, this might be it. And even if this isn't what you're looking for, it's a good story. Good luck on finding the story you are looking for.
I think...
...that you might be looking for Angel by G.M. Shephard.
Thanks for the help
Angel was the one I was thinking of. Going to give a read right now. To bad it was never finished.
No one has the right to tell you that you can't be you.
Angel by G.M. Shephard. I have it printed and just reread it about a month ago