Whateley Timeline

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I have been reading some of the whateley stories recently, and lets just say the timeline has been making a pile of mush inside of my head. I have read most of the stories on this page now http://www.crystalhall.org/stories.html and with the timeline posted on this site (http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/story/252/announcement) it helped alot.

##### Spoiler below i guess ######

However I just cant seem to find out what happens at the halloween disco! And its kinda driving me loopy, maybe its glaringly obvious and i just keep overlooking it but I have read "The Devil's Dance" by various authors both part one and two. However the story just stops at part two on a clifhanger, is the story of the attack on whateley picked up by another story? Was it dropped? I have read down to around the area of "Upheaval" by Joe Gunnerson on the crystalhall site but i dont know if its just that i missed the story with the end of halloween in it.

please help if you know where im going wrong, thanks ^_^;

Short answer: watch that space.

Longer answer (gotten from people closer to the source than I in IRC when I asked the same questions): Much of the Halloween event is caught up in Dr.Bender's IPP4, which in turn has been caught up in writer's block and other writerly issues. He released IPP4a, a teaser, shortly before the forum crash. Eventually, we'll see the rest in living prose; until then, we infer.


it is in Learning curve

That whole thing is in learning curve. Which is in rewrites to fit it into ill winds and call the thunder better.


On top of all that, Halloween is being written by several of the authors. Which means one does their bit, then it gets edited and approved, and goes to the mext for their bit, and on and on until all the stories are fit into the basic framework they started with. It takes a while,, and it would hold up all the others in general, so many have been released around it, leaving gaps and us awaiting the rest of the story. Oh, and there was a much more current time line at the Crystal Hall unless it was lost in the hard drive crash. I am sure it will be reposted soon if it is not there already. I meant to copy that part off and never got to it before the crash.It was very large, and the author had done a LOT of work on it.