FtM transformation

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As I know this is a site dedicated to Male to Female transformations I was wondering for story reasons what could cause a female to male transformation on keeping them male permanently.

I've already know that if magic is involved a mage, witch and such can just make it permanent that way, but what if the transformation is temporary? In the BB universe we know that if a male becomes pregnant they are now permanently female and it got me thinking what would be the males equivalent.

Items ruled out:

Unprotected sex
large doses of testosterone

and hold back the answers of "Why would I want..." this is for story discussion please.


Edit: It seems I was a little remiss on what I was looking for in asking. I thought I had put in 'accidental' ways or what accidental misfortune would cause a female to stay male and not for desiring reasons.

Many of the ideas of those expressed are those I could see as being honorable traits and I thank-you for them, but those are not what I was looking for.

I disregard STD as a form as it doesn't fit a good reason why. That's a disease that can be carried over on both sexes.

Accidental pregnancy seems to be a method, for good or ill.

In a way

You could use the same logic as that used with the Medallion of Zulo or BB where getting pregnant makes you a female permanently. If woman in male form gets a female pregnant then they remain male as a father. They can't go back because they caused a pregnancy - seems a fair and equitable result.

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on the dedicated thing

Nope. This site is not dedicated to m-f transformations. It's just the most popular with people. There is a bunch of stories that deal with f-m.

If a female transformed to male were to alter "history" they would stay male. Ie beat up or seriously harm someone enough it would leave a definate mark on history of that person.

Um, no

Given that when a person is changed from one gender to another in some universes their background history is also 'altered' changed to reflect that they were born that gender. Its those writers who just use magic to change a persons appearance with 'no' history 'might' that make sense but not fully as they would still have no background history.

And how would they alter history? We make history every second of our lives. Such as now. I could take this message away later but its still there. A part of history.

If what you were to say were true then what Stalin, Son of Sam, a disgruntled boyfriend and so forth, even if changed then somehow, someway what they had done to others would still be in effect. Or then nobody could change because of the simple act of what they did thus magic would not be allowed to change a person.


In Saudi Arabia there was once more FtM folk than MtF, the reason being that the women simply wanted male power.

Yes, but

that becomes a desire not a means. Given the ideology of the culture of how women are considered I could understand why woman would.

I recall that marriage in the

Daphne Xu's picture

I recall that marriage in the BB Universe also fixes her forever. That could apply to males as well. I can't recall your response to the suggestion of the male creating a pregnancy, but that's a possibility. What about saving the life of a child?

One might discuss the sheer unfairness of men being stuck as women, but women not being stuck as men.

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

This is a tricky one

There are several reasons why a man transformed into a woman would get stuck that way. For starters every male has an X-chromosome, when transformed by magic the magic could just delete the Y-chromosome and copy the X already there. It would mean that, if the magic works that way, the reverse is impossible since there is no way to pluck a Y-chromosome out of thin air.

Likewise with pregnancy, transforming back would result the destruction of an innocent live, usually there are rules / magic restrictions against that sort of thing.

Honestly I can't think of anything beyond "transformation magic only works once, no matter what the transformation was"


The Chromosomes do not determine which body you are given. Just replacing a chromosome is not enough to give someone the ability to get pregnant. From a genetics standpoint, magick that uses that platform is utter BS xD

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

Re: This is a tricky one

Transforming back to male while pregnant would kill the unborn child, restrictions to protect an unborn child make perfect sense.

But I can't see any issue with the person transforming back to male once the child is born, although the child would then have no mother.

I've actually seen authors use the premise that bearing the child isn't enough, the new mother must also raise the child. Such a restriction would force the transformed male to say as a female for almost nineteen years, by which point they may want to stay that way.

SRU universe

I seem to recall that in the SRU universe there were various ways of getting stuck as an object or in the opposite gender - generally this could be seen as not following the directions to the letter. Often, this would be having penetrative sex or exceeding a time limit. There's no reason something similar would not work for FTM. I am wondering why you discounted unprotected sex, if STDs can be passed that way why could it not be a mechanism for making the change permanent? That said, it's your story to tell how you want

A few possibilities

In the Whateley Universe BIT and regeneration will grow back male bits that are removed.

In MtoF stories captivity is used as a plot line to prevent reversion. It would apply versa.

In MtoF stories a love interest of a heterosexual female or a double switch of heterosexual partners is used to employ a permanent switch. Again versa.

Another would be a mental fondness for the switch by nature or magic, or that a FtoM was made unaware of the switch by memory loss.

Another would be the willingness to provide a male presence for children.


I've seen stories that use the first sexual encounter as a trigger for permanence.

i've read stories that have a time limit to accomplish something before the temporary transformation becomes permanent.

A twist on the double switch pregnancy plot is that after the pregnancy the sex change may be reverted, but something gets in the way of changing back. The great story of Paula Dillon's Numbers uses WW 2 to interfere with the characters being ever able to get back together to complete the switch back.

The agent that facilitated the sex change is destroyed or becomes deceased or incapacitated..

it could be a psychological reason

examples - they have a family they cannot abandon, or they have a duty/mission that requires them to stay male.

of course, the old "only one sex change per customer" rule could be used.


FtM characters

I actually have one FtM in my story The Power of Trust, Raven was born female but just started living as a male in the story.

That story will be dealing with BDSM to some extent, mostly through the main character's (Stanley/Stacy) journey in a BDSM based relationship. That character is not quite eighteen at the point I've reached, so any BDSM content would wait until they are eighteen or older.

I intend to have Raven be a recurrent character in that story, I just have to work out where things are going at this point.

Not too sure when I'll write the next bit for that, I'm hoping it might be in the next week or so, but it could be longer than that. Sorry.

All three transitioning characters in the story so far (two MtFs and one FtM) will follow standard medical procedures for transition, so there won't be anyone suddenly waking up and finding they've been changed into the gender they wanted to be. I might add another MtF.

The three currently in transition (Stanley/Stacy, Raven, Alana) all intend to complete their transitions.

In european culture woman is

In european culture woman is complete and blessed after she's given a life while man vice versa. Some cultures still have animal killing rituals for that purpose. Both acts can't be undone.

Man Vice Versa

Daphne Xu's picture

Is that to say that a man is complete and blessed once he's killed something? So perhaps killing something might be the key to keeping him male permanently.

I'm curious to know the degree to which "killing something" apply in this case. Killing a cockroach in the house? Killing a fly or a spider? Killing weeds in the yard? Would hiring pest control do it, or would he have to do it personally himself?

-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)

To be precise

To be precise according to sankhya there is no difference between selves of human and cockroach. But sankhya isn't a part of european culture. So taking boys to hunting slaughter fiest like st. Hubert day are considered as proper puberty rite.

Here's a way

Their mind becomes male, IE: Their true gender is male. I know there are lots of BS stories on this site and others that say "it's permanent" when there is no logical or scientific foundation for that. Because why would magick suddenly not work one way after being used once? Pray tell what faerie dust is too much for the human being to take and the pregnancy thing makes even less sense. Fine, being pregnant and during it sure whatever. But once the baby is born there is no reason you couldn't go back. Because like you said, every minute, every second causes a consequence when taking in multi verse theory.

So just use whatever you want, there are ridiculous mechanics that are used all over several sites such as "if y ou touch yourself sexually then your permanent" you could have if you have sex because to these gods/deities/magickal sprite faeries sex is the ultimate commitment so they wont allow you to alter it because reasons.

There is no reason whatsoever anyone could get stuck really, so just make one up that fits within the rules of your world. or don't obey the rules, it doesn't matter if you are a good enough writer and you really really are.

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D

So your saying

So your saying is you don't feel writers should have rules in their universe? Its what you feel it should be? No I'm not angry. I'm asking. Who writes the rules for them?

Writers put rules in for their own reasons, I'm sure. They built it, and who are we to disagree. We don't have to write or read their stories. I find it upsetting to say this and that shouldn't be in place as it restricts certain abilities and such. That's like saying just because I like Lord of the Rings, I have the right to infringe upon his world and make it my own.