New web server?

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Just recently my ad blocker has been alerting me to another website attempting to run scripts when accessing BC. This is

I'm assuming this is innocuous but I'm also aware that this is exactly what bad people like to do to get into places they should not.

Can you confirm that this site is kosher and should be permitted? Can I ask why another URL is required? Why can't this go under


YourBigCloset - Cloud

Piper's picture
New Advertisements...

The short answer is: Yes it is kosher, Because it makes my life/work a little easier, and it could, but it would negate that "makes my life easier" part.

At the bottom of blog entries, you will find a new "video" ad block. The block is for QnEZ Servers (us).

The videos don't play unless you click on them, and even have sound muted by default when you do play so that they are completely non intrusive.

A while ago, we started work on a new cloud-based storage solution, called YourBigCloset. It's something we never really released to much of the public but a few of us use it quite regularly (I use it quite extensively). Since I store my exported videos on YourBigCloset, or more correctly, Cloud.YourBigCloset.Com to preview to others, I thought it would be easiest to share the videos from the same source. The reasoning for this is that A) distributing the load outside the primary BigCloset Cluster helps eliminate some bottlenecks (consider it like using a CDN) and also if I want to push out an update to any of the videos, all I have to do is save it over the top of the existing file on my hard-drive and the sync-software will just over-write the file on the server, and start serving everyone the new file.

All in all, it's not absolutely required for me to use the YourBigCloset Cloud service to deliver these new ads. but it makes my life a little bit easier, and I honestly didn't see any harm in doing it as such. The YBC Cloud connection is secured SSL/HTTPS and the software running the service is up to date and secure.


QnEZ Servers: Homepage | Dashboard | Network Status | Looking Glass

"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks


Penny Lane's picture

That's great. I can go ahead and allow that site and be sure that it isn't [insert paranoid conspiracy player here] trying to do things they shouldn't.

Keep up the good work. I've done the alligator wrestling job in the past and I know that what happens behind the scenes can be complex, but I also know the results can make a considerable difference.


I've added it to my whitelist

I've added it to my whitelist as well. I don't have a problem with ads, sometimes I see something I want to look at. I have a problem with many (too many) of the sites that want you to trust 40 other sites, when they could just feed the ads through their own systems. ( is one I see too often that I, frankly, don't trust)

Who is

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing. redirects outgoing links

erin's picture redirects outgoing links for us, specifically, outgoing links to Amazon to add our Amazon affiliate ID so we get a small commission on items bought through such links. Until we got that service, I was spending hours each month tracking down Amazon links and modifying them to include the right info.

Bonus: makes an educated guess as to WHICH amazon site you need to go to and includes the right affiliate ID for our accounts with, .ca, .uk and .de. We tried establishing accounts with other Amazon stores but they want you to have a bank account either in their country or in the EU. We'll probably solve that problem eventually.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Okay. I'll whitelist that

Okay. I'll whitelist that one.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Oh, I understand that you

Oh, I understand that you have a valid reason for them. I just don't trust them, as I see them more often than google analytics or doubleclick, and on an enormous number of sites I just don't want to aggregate me.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

It goes deeper than that

One US Tech site just won't display anything unless you have all sorts of tracking sites allowed. It also uses tracking cookies with expory dates in 2302!.
Oh, and it need Adobe Flash as well.
A total of 76 tracking, ad and other stuff. I'd like to hang, draw and quarter followed by shooting and electocution of the website designers.
It is little wonder that people are blocking more and more sites?


It's not just the cookies -

It's not just the cookies - those are nasty, but you can get a number of them per site. It's the SITES. What possible reason could a site have for me to have to trust twitter, facebook, and other social media sites - so I can look at their catalog? Or read a post? They're not USING any of them - they just have those little 'social media' icons at the bottom.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.