TG Mainstream Comic Book Characters

I am feeling a bit better, but nowhere near recovered. Bleah.

While surfing around on the net I cam across a 1950's Strange Tales of Suspense for sale in which the seller claimed it was the ONLY occurrence of mainstream transgenderism in comics.

[Not so. There are dozens!], I immediately thought to myself, and two names were at the top of the list as major characters, even. So I looked up some biography links for them and sent them along to the seller as a friendly gesture. Then I thought, [Well! I'll bet the folks over at BCTS would be interested in info like this!], and so I provide it here:

  1. Courier
  2. Shvaughn Erin

And there are others. And not just MtFs... For example, the new Spider-Woman (who happens to be J. Jonah Jameson's niece!) masqueraded as Spider-Man when Parker had given it up (yes, again) until he felt guilty about someone else risking themself in his stead and picked up his webs. Then he confronted "him" and found that it was a young girl in a padded suit.

Can anyone think of other major examples? My flu-addled brain isn't running on all cylinders quite yet.