Looking for a story

Dear All,

I'm looking for a story I read a few years ago. I think it was on this site, but I can't find it. Probably not a very good story, but it's stuck in my memory. It's about a school for wealthy boys which is (magically, I think) converted into a girls finishing school. Each of the boys resists the change but fails and becomes an ultra-feminine young school girl with no memories of having been male. The first sign that something is wrong is when the headmaster/principal of the school is replaced by/becomes a headmistress. As I remember, some witch/sorceress is controlling everything; she has been hired by the parents of another group of boys. She changes the wealthy boys into wealthy, submissive girls, so that when they marry the boys from the other group, their inheritance will become the property of their husbands.

Has anyone come across this story? Please let me know!
