I periodically go to Amazon to check for possible new CDs from singers (mostly women) that I enjoy. Lately I've been using the left-side ad box here to enter the site, which of course brings you into the "transgender fiction" book category first.
Anyway, I was looking up Sharon Corr (and found nothing new from her or her family, unfortunately) and the site brought up the usual "inspired by your browsing history" collection at the end. Lead item on it was a 2008 CD by -- wait for it -- Jem.
My first thought, of course, was "I wonder if Bailey knows about her?" My second was that even though the algorithm knows I've browsed TG stories there, Bailey doesn't have any stories on Amazon, let alone Jem chapters.
(Wikipedia says she's a Welsh singer who started recording in 2004 and apparently has had her songs included in three major film soundtracks. The name's short for Jemma, not a reference to the animated character.)
Nor a reference to me :)
Joyce Elaine Melton. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.