I have been a part of this site for years and I loved reading the stories. I have noticed a change in the trend of this site. I would love to post my stories here but I doubt they would be welcome. The readership of this site seems to not like my style of writing. My writing tends to be on the very dark side of TG fiction. I noticed another author post a story here that I liked. His story really bombed here. One reviewer called him sick for posting it. The author was pantywaist ken and he seems to have a spanking fetish. Hey everyone has a fetish dont they. I didnt think it was a bad story.
I wont be posting mine here. It would bomb, the silence would be deafening. If anyone knows of my story, its about Lilith, a boy entering adulthood. Hes part angel and its a pretty exciting tale to write. I am presently in the very boring part of writing, rewriting and editing stupid mistakes, runon sentences, misspelling or very badly worded dialog and sentences.
I noticed that stories of my style used to get alot more responses here in the past. Some writers posted some pretty dark tales in the past and they were well recieved. What happened to this site?
Everything goes in cycles
Whether it be dark fiction, light romance, erotica, superheroes... they've all had their time in the TG fiction spotlight, both here and elsewhere. BC does have a tendency to be a little more vanilla than a lot of other sites, but that doesn't mean that ANY story is unappreciated.
I think you should post yours anyway. Variety is the spice of life, and readers love something different every now and then. Most of the site's big trends have been started by one author or another posting something off the wall that caught the attention of the masses, so who knows? You may very well spark BC's next big story trend! And, if you get bad responses from readers due to what your story's about, do the prudent thing and ignore them. Your story is YOUR story, and this is, as the page says, a friendly place to read, write, and discuss transgender fiction.
Unless your story deals with content that could, potentially get Erin in trouble, but it doesn't sound like yours does, and some recent stories seem to push that limit far further than I ever expected the site to let it be pushed, so...
Melanie E.
i doubt it would get any responses at all
I can handle nasty responses. I am strong and can handle it. I hate total silence. most of my posts on FM get one or two comments. I think my writings improving.
If improvement is your goal
then I suggest posting here even MORE. There are plenty of excellent editors here who would be more than willing to take a look at almost any story, content be damned.
All you would have to do is ask.
Trust me, if some of my drivel can get the response it does, anyone can get good response here! It just takes a little time, a little patience, and an openness to others.
Melanie E.
well I will consider it
When I finish it, rewrite and reformat it. I will post the first chapter here and see what happens. I have no confidence that it will be well received here. It will be avoided like the plague. I just know it because this place seems to be a place for many victims of violence with troubled past comes to be comforted among light hearted fiction and friends. Brutal dark tales like mine wont even be read.
My story which I have about a third written already and in the process of rewiting and editing it. Its about a boy, hes in his early 20s. Hes part angel, the son of Michael himself. He doesnt know it, he just is very powerful and has unearthly beauty. He is enslaved, mistreated. He slowly learns though lilith how to control and use his strength to get himself free.
I think I will have him take command around the middle in a major war. There will be a facist uprising he must fight to save his nation from.
I have an ending in mind but I dont want to blow it. It just goes into some very dark places that I doubt will be received here very well.
Dark stories do have their place here, and have even been
well received at times. Take a look at some of the stories by Liedan Tallie, or the Stark stories, or, heck, even numerous others. There is a difference between a story that deals with dark themes and one that glorifies them, and your story most definitely sounds like the former rather than the latter.
People here can be sensitive, it's true. But when a story involves not only facing adversity, even in its darkest forms, but eventually overcoming it? Trust me, you WILL find an audience here.
Your character finds a way to become free. That, alone, will save you from the vehemence much of our community can level at those who write about cruelty simply for the sake of the cruelty.
Melanie E.
I agree with Melanie
I really dislike cruelty for the sake of cruelty and don't read that sort of thing. But a story about a character finding oneself and their place in the world. Well sometimes dark things happen, that's life, it's how the character gets through it that defines them and how the story will end. Good writing isn't about content it's about a plot and style that keeps your audience interested and how you make them feel at the end of the story after taking them through an emotional roller coaster.If people don't like it, they don't, but some will and you'll be a braver person and a better writer for having the nerve to post it and take any constructive criticism that may come your way. You don't grow and improve by keeping work you are passionate about hidden.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
You've got one way
You've got one way to absolutely ensure that your story gets no response here. Don't post it.
People complain to me all the time that there is a lack of this or a lack of that or too much of this and too much of that. The authors are in charge here. Write. Post. Then you can complain. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I've posted it and it has responses
I am curious if it would get any here. I seriously doubt it, but I would like to see how it does here. I will seriously consider it.I was asking about what happened to the readership of the site and if anyone else noticed. I have been here since the early 2000s and I remember the other site which they would submit to you for approval and you would post it for them. I remember Chrissie was posted alot. The Farie King, and sam I am. So I been here a long time.
please consider posting it anyway
dark isnt for everyone, but sometimes, its good to see a different type of story here.
Define Dark please.
and to help you understand the subject request for this post:
I spent 12 years living among and working with the homeless, found a few deaders, from overdose and murder in that time.
Watched a guy I know grab a double ended dildo from some drunken idiot one night, then beat the guy with it. [ he shouldn't have been poking it into Wolf's face like that, it was asking for the beating ]
my best friend found someone dead, a rig in his arm and the 18" "Dick Rambone" by Doc Johnson my friend had SOLD to him [ we both were working in porn shops ] stuffed up his rear end.
The coroner wasn't sure if it was the drugs or dildo that killed him.
one friend committed suicide, and I saw him just 4 hours before he died, he had already done the deed and his only way to live was go to the hospital, he wouldn't.
walking down the street talking with my girlfriend on my cell, I got stopped by one of the street girls asking me to flog her. 2 pm on busy main street in downtown Vancouver and I'm flogging some half naked girl while talking on my cell to my girlfriend [ now estranged wife, but that is immigration issues ]
for me, dark would have to literally be going into places most people couldn't even imagine.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Well that is exactly the point
What is the point of the dark story? Personally I find there is enough horror and darkness in the real world that I do not need to add more to it to be honest. A story can be dark in parts but strive towards something constructive and for me that is okay. One can write a dark story because one feels really low, angry etc to vent possibly and possibly just for the sake of doing it but you must ask: Why would the reader want to read such a story? It might help explain why you think the story is worth reading if you want more hits for your story. So in the space of a tweet, explain who you expect the audience is for your story instead of a vague description of it being a dark story.
im going to have to think of that one
what makes my story worth reading? I have no idea. I enjoy writing it. I like reading it and it seems there are many others at FM who have kept up with the story so far and given me input.
Who are the aduience I expect for the story?
People who like dark tales full of mystery and creepy things. People who enjoy demons, angels and terrifying themes, with also a heavy religious overtone which begins to get stronger as the story moves forward until it starts having a very apocalyptic theme to it
No chest to lay on.
It is late at night, and I am up because there is no man to pick me up and take me to bed and put my head on his powerful chest.
You are right, I think the demographics of this site have changed in the years that I have been here. OR, perhaps it is I who has changed? The first dress, first bra stories don't interest me any more, though I understand that many of us need to write them. I'm not a fan of chocolate packing stories, but have no issue with those who are.
I keep saying that I won't write any more TG stories, but I keep doing them anyway.
I won't call it a fetish, but I do like a gentle spanking now and then and don't mind reading about them. I used to be very in to BDSM and still am subbie, but no Master has taken an interest in me, so giving up on that seemed right. And yes, I too think this site is relatively Vanilla.
Why not give it a try?
I might, or might not... the story you post, depending on what you mean by "dark." I'm not much into the femdom stuff--I'll run like a scalded dog from anything with word "sissy" in the title--but I have in the past read and liked stories with dark elements. The "Through The Years" saga certainly qualifies, as does Katie Leone's "God Bless The Child." But those stories weren't all about the "dark"--they had uplifting scenes as well. A story that balances the two is one that is more likely to get my attention.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
I don't know how anyone can tell which trends there are here, or which stories are "welcome" or not -- there are SO MANY stories here!
And the readership is so varied... I'd be willing to bet that there are readers who come here every day and wish for more stories of one type or another.
When I first started posting here, seven years ago, I worried about fitting in, and there were in fact people who told me that I needed to do one thing or another in my stories -- as if there were rules about writing TG fiction.
It was all nonsense -- my fears of not fitting in were nonsense, and the supposed rules I was told were nonsense.
The only rule of TG fiction is that the story have TG content, and that's a pretty broad rule.
You just write what you want to write, and if you don't write as well as you like -- well, that will come with practice. The only way to learn to write is by writing.
Good luck, and hope you have fun with it!
I posted my story here and we will see what is happening
I hope it gets a good reception here. I have two more chapters ready for posting if anyone would like to see the progress and im halfway though a fourth chapter
Please tell me what you think