It feels weird to have people actually email me and ask me when the next chapter will be done. Its like, I write to get out my frustrations, and other people read it. Ive only written 2 stories so far and both were well received, however I have a real hard time taking compliments so, I dont know, I just wanted to say it feels weird having fans of The Guardian Princess, but in a good way that I havent felt before=)
Oh, do be serious
We are all far too sophisticated to be bothered by such trivialities as... comments. I mean... really. Hmmm, sorry, had to pry my tongue out of cheek and think real, like. Now whether yours is mine or mine is yours or somewhere in the middle or never the twain shall meet... is really neither here nor there. Yes... it's weird. I've had comments from 'Oh you're so good I can't post a comment, I'm jealous, but..'.. to ... ' so those two guys are going to be made into she-male sluts, right'.. or .. ' You tell a good story but ya cain't right werth a damn'... well you get the idea. Oh...most of those were from elsewhere. BC is far more Human and personal than almost anywhere. In fact I haven't said how much this place means and how much we revere Erin for simply being who she is and providing... in well, ages. Consider it said Erin and no my tongue is definitely not in my cheek. Um, where was I?
There will be occassion when those that come to BC feel too much and react, mostly it's positive and the reaction is as well. Sometimes not, but that's because the visitors here share and feel with you. Pain is pain and joy is joy. Humour? Well, can be tricky, but mostly it's fine. They's a smart bunch. But opinions are not always shared and each to their own is real. Do what you do and enjoy... mostly it will be good, sometimes better than. Hey, it's a free net-iverse, long may that be.
Deep if that made sense you probably do belong here. Hah.
I Understand Exactly What You Mean
The only thing stranger than the compliments happened to me when I chose to end a story with the death of my lead character. 99.9% of the comments (and between the public and private there were a ton of them) just expressed some disappointment with the ending. But there were a few that carried things a bit further, and they could get a little scary to tell you the truth.
The bottom line is, I understand exactly what you mean about how receiving comments seems weird. But at least it's mostly in a good way :)
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Never let it be said that I don't enjoy the occasional delusion of grandeur
Wow, you get compliments?
I get good, silly, helpful, critical but helpful, and occasionaly upset comments.
I value them all. Even this one guy/gal who was all upset about Joanie -- in my Timeout series -- lusting after a seriously underaged boy --okay in all states but Hawaii and even there with parental concent.
Though the person went about it wrong he/she did make a valid point and I made some fixes that clarified things. Though her -- Joanie's -- new 17y year old body lusted for the teenage boy she and he were responcible and set rules about their relationship. I can asure the readers that they will not *get it on* until he is of legal age of consent. Though it will be not long after that, oh my! Please get your literary earplugs ready.
I am pleased no end that people actually like my light-hearted, and humorous stuff.
I remain humble, I hope.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa