I was reading one of Ardvark's stories last night and then when I went to bed, I dreamt about a variation on his idea.
Being a Muslima, I often wonder what the sociological reason is for women world wide to have found themselves in such a subservient position. Anthropoligically, we know that women are only 87% as large as men, but that sure does not seem to hold Feminist American Women back today. They are dying in Iraq like everyone else.
As I think about the posibilities, I realize that primitive men perhaps had a high death rate due to wars and predators, them being the hunter gatherers. So, I wonder why some of the women did not take up the slack, and I suppose the problem is that they were always pregnant.
So, you run into the situation where you have perhaps 3 women for every man. Being pregnant all the time really puts a woman at a disadvantage. Everyone was hoping for sons to fill out the vacancy in the men's ranks. I think it is posible that there is a biological ratio in fertilization, so hoping for male babies is ineffective.
So, perhaps they find a plant or something to alter the ratio so that more male babies occur. What would be the consequence if in mid adulthood, many of these males became women?
Oh, I seem to have lost "my happy thought" here. Don't remember where I was going with it.
Perhaps this will trigger something in another writer.
I am so involved with Desert Princess, Captain Brown, and a few other stories that I can't work on anything new right now. BTW, as soon as I get the edited version back from the lovely woman who has so graciously volunteered to edit it, I will be fixing it and reposting.
Salaams all of you.