Is there a reason bullets are set up the way they are here?
- Sample bulleted list
- Just to show what bullets look like.
You see that the bullets appear in the left margin and the text of the bullet lines up with the regular paragraph text.
This is contrary to the way I see bullets used literally almost everywhere else, where the bullets are either aligned with or indented with respect to the body text and the text within the bullet is indented further.
I occasionally use bullets in my stories, and they come out looking a bit weird because of this.
Drupal default
We could probably change it via style sheet. Hmm?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I was trying to find the CSS
I was trying to find the CSS that did this in the browser inspector but it wasn't showing me any relevant settings. The style sheet was absurdly long and I couldn't find what I was looking for in there, but now I understand that's from Drupal. Bad, bad Drupal! I see other Drupal sites where lists don't look like this, but that could just mean they've fixed theirs!
I tried to test it with an inline style in this reply, but it looks like at least the forum is stripping out inline styles. So I went back to the browser inspector and used it to edit the code inline. It's only for my current view of the current page, but it works for testing!
While I was doing this, I was looking at those boxes to the right of this page. Why, I wondered, do the bullets in my user box not match the ones in Private messages and TransPulse? The bullets in the latter boxes are indented the way I'd expect them to be. But it's not because of anything I did. They are that way on every page on the site, including the home page.
In this case, the inspector showed me what was doing it. It turns out the latter boxes have margin-left: 1em; on the li tags. The CSS that does it is this:
.item-list ul li {
Which technically should have a semicolon after 1em, but the browser seems to figure it out.
But it only applies to those boxes because the lists are inside a div class="item-list". The other lists on the site aren't. If you made a global rule on li tags, you'd probably mess up other lists in parts of the site, and that's why it was done this way. The safest way to apply a minimal change is to make a rule like the above but change item-list to other div classes that other items on the site are inside, for instance comment-content in the forum, node-content in stories, or block-content which affects the user box and the author's TOC box that is inside a particular story's page.
Also, that's only bulleted lists. Numbered lists, which I use rarely in my work and not in anything I've posted here yet, do the same weird outdented thing in forum comments and stories.
You'd have to make a rule like the above with ol in place of ul to fix it for numbered lists. And this is why there are 471 rules in the main style sheet. :-)
Hope this helps you decide whether to make a CSS change about this and if so what change.
The bullets are behaving
The bullets are indented where they belong now! But you really shouldn't have broken the whole site for a week to fix this.
Be careful
"Some stories here don't react well to bulletches...." Marta Ramius, "The Hunt for Mauve October"
Love, Andrea Lena