Hi Girls!
Just thought I'd share this essential information with all and sundry.
In our endless toil to reach the perfection of humanness, those of us enlightened enough to realise that this simply cannot occur in male form sometimes have to struggle with the difficult circumstance of being incarnate in... er... male form.
There are various remedies which depending on need or opportunity, we variously apply to our own selves.
But wherever you're at and whereever you're coming from or going to, here's a few tips that are eternally useful. And none of us, I'm sure, will yawn and say we've heard it before, because a good girly tip is not something that isn't better for hearing again and again and again.
So all of you, post haste, have a look at
Okay like, take this with a grain of salt because I'm considered a girly girl and I only do like half the things on there. I don't know a single woman, real or fake that could follow every rule on there other than a tv character if even that mew. So remember to always be yourself and not worry if you're a girly girl or not. I'm not just a girly girl mew, I'm a girly girl, gamer girl, that likes to watch and write horror stories oh adn I'm a princess too mew ^^ So you see I'm a big mix of things and proud of it ^^
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
Coz if one is too perfectly something it seems fake.
All girly girls must, like any other human being, have flies in the ointment and cracks in the facade. It makes on *more* girly.
For instance, a perfect girly thing is to have a nice long flowing flowery summer dress and wear it with tennis shoes and sit knees wide open like a boy would, letting the fabric hang between the legs, casually, modestly, but tomboyishly. The throwaway ungirliness is even more girly than girly girlishess would be.
Once one gets the feel for something, then liberties can be taken at will. And so not only is it good to be oneself, it's inevitable.
But I still think tips are nice.
What a load of cobblers!
whoever wrote that rubbish certainly wasn't a real woman living in the real world. If you did half of what they suggest you'd look and act like a freak.
Well, peeking at the History...
is elucidating. Having reviewed most of the lists... I find myself agreeing with Angharad.
Perhaps, these "girly girls" exist somewhere, but I don't think I've ever met one. And, I'm pretty sure, I'm glad about that.
Be that as it may, not ALL the info there is bad or just plain wrong. I mean, there's nothing wrong with good posture, for example. Or, the recommendation for Pastels or Pink. Some folks look simply horrible in either. Though, most folks can look good in the right style/color combination. 20 years ago, there were several schemes out there for identifying those colors that worked the best for your skin color/complexion and hair color and bone structure, etc. (Color me Beautiful and Color Wonderful were two, if memory serves.)
I'm HOPING this was posted here, as a joke. PLEASE tell me it was a joke!
Who are you calling a freak? ;)
I do about two-thirds of those things already, and I'm not even transitioned! And no one treats me like a freak. To my face, anyway. Though I do live in Seattle which technically is not the real world....
Oh and I like cobblers, too. Especially peach ones. Mmmm.
Go and stand in the corner at once!
Angharad! Such ungirly language!
I command you to wear pink ribbons in your hair until you reach enlightenment.
girly girl???
My mother taught me many of those and I find myself still following that advice. Of course, we didn't call it being a girly girl... We called it being "Victorian."
As for pink... Yeetch... I look much better in dark maroon or pastel blue and even in Emerald green (prefer the gems in Emerald and Ruby) Sapphires are a little off for me. Diamonds are nice but a bit colourless although if someone wants to give them to me I won't refuse them.
It is hardly a secret that this world is ours. We tolerate men and sometimes, when they are being gentlemen, they may be fun to have around.
Owning the world
Mmm TD, nicely put.
Another great "How to Giude" is Valerie Solanas's "SCUM Manifesto". A great read for a sunny day.