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by Angharad
Another millstone, I mean milestone.I can't believe I'm doing a 400th episode but, it seems enough of you are happy to keep reading this stuff, so I keep writing it. Tonight's is a bit longer than usual and I hope will keep you entertained. Many of you like Stella as a major character, so she figures large in this episode.
Thanks to all who enjoy my scribblings and leave a comment (Both of them).
What no Spike?
I was hoping this was the chapter were we learn the Stella and Spike are planning to elope.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Your ruddy cats have second guessed me again! Now I'll have to do a complete rewrite, especially the sex scenes - flippin' felines.
Angharad 8)
Sounds messy... I thought Stella said she didn't like girls... And here John was having her run off with Spike. If thats the case, then how much of the OTHER stuff she told Cathy was fiction...
Looking forward to more.
Me, I Am Wondering One Thing :-)
What you have in store for Cathy and company. And will Spike play a part? I also wonder when you will post another chapter on Charlotte's story.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Things move on don't they
Certainly round here.
I've been so busy working for a living--or getting by as is nearer the truth, that I have totally not been able to read.
I have missed the witty banter that came with this serial and the characters even more, so now I have a little time off, I am hoping to catch up with them over the coming week or so--but 100 episodes?
I'll just have to put on my bifocals and do the best I can.
That's "bi-focals", dear.
Stand by yer comments Luvvie
I don't just look it, I really AM that bad...
Do enjoy your scribblings
But do not feel pressured to continue. Do it because it brings YOU pleasure [joy].
Hugs, Fran
Hugs, Fran
I saw 400 coming
but was afraid to mention it because of the last milestone (365) and chapters after it.I'm now left with a feeling of apprehension at the thought of what you might unleash tonight.Amy--- "May your pen never run out of ink and your brain out of ideas"