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I have Been working at a Red Cross shelter in my home town. We have about 500 victims from the New Orleans area. It is so humbling to see how they who have lost everything can still smile and laugh. I wouldn't wish what happened to them on anyone but I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything.


Your a wonderful person Paula ;-)

While I've never had to evacuate my own home, I know from my own experiences and my Dad's stories from his and my own bushfire fighting days what a swell job you guys do for these people.

Even though I'm pretty crook with the flu, about 30 seconds after I finish this message I'm going to start drawing a couple of comic strips. I draw comic strips occasionally as a bit of a hobby. Try to give these people something funny to think about for a couple of minutes at least.

Take care Paula,


erin's picture

If you have TG content in the strips, you can post them in the gallery here. :) If no TG content, well, I have another site for cartoons. :) Msg me if you want somewhere to post. Hugs, Erin.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Re: Comics.....

I've got a little bit of stuff that you could classify as TG @ the moment. I sent most of the stuff I had to a friend of mine in the US as a b-day present a few weeks back though....

I've just finished doing two strips. I'll ink them then send them to you after tea with some of the TG stuff I've got. ;-)
