Now that Erin has graciously awarded my creation a universe of its own, I thought I might post the rules for writing MIBD stories, just in case anybody would like to try their hand at it. Please feel free to add to the body of MIBD stories. Just do me a favor and e-mail me a copy before you post it. Thanks ever so much!
Rules for Writing “Men In Black Dresses” Adventures
Valentina Michelle Smith
BACKGROUND: In 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was appointed Director of the Bureau of Investigation, a federal agency later to become the FBI. Hoover deliberately recruited Irish Catholic men who had been trained by Jesuits as his agents, reasoning that a man with such a background would never betray his country. What Hoover never counted on was that such a man was also far more likely to be a transvestite.
When Hoover realized his ranks included crossdressers, he initially used the information as leverage to keep his agents in line. But over the years, the Bureau was increasingly called on to protect certain transgendered individuals in government. Hoover took what he initially considered a liability and turned it into an asset, organizing an elite cadre of transgendered agents into a special task force charged with providing cover and protection for transgendered individuals deemed vital to American security.
During the Cold War years, it became necessary for this task force to operate across agency lines. It was officially severed from the FBI in 1963, becoming an independent agency of the Justice Department reporting to the Attorney General. The agency has no name and no official existence Its agents are all transgendered, being either transsexuals in various phases of transition, or crossdressers.
DETAILS: The Agency (referred to as MIBD for convenience) has no name. It is not listedt on any manning document in the government and officially does not exist. Its existence is known only to the President, the Attorney General, and a few key congressmen and staffers. (And just about everybody who lives in the neighborhood of Bob's Cafe.) The exact size of the agency is classified.
Agents generally refer to the agency as “The Store” or “Mary’s Dress Store.”
Headquarters is an unassuming building located “in the city.” The exact city is never mentioned. The exact location of the building is never mentioned. If the headquarters building is mentioned at all, the words “If I told you where it was I would have to kill you” or some variant must appear in the story.
Agents live 24/7 as women and always present as women. They are always dressed in black. Their appearance (makeup, manicure, etc.) is always impeccable. They do not draw attention to themselves, operating unobtrusively. Their dress is normally conservative, consisting of ordinary dresses, skirts, or pants outfits. It is expected that agents will dress appropriately for the social occasion they find themselves in, so formal gowns are not out of the question.
Agents must give up their former lives. Every trace of their former male existence is eliminated when they enter the agency. It is a difficult task, and it takes a special breed of man to wear the black dress.
Agents are all assigned code names. A list of known code names is included.
Agents are highly trained in all forms of armed and unarmed combat. They generally avoid violent confrontation, but are ready to fight when needed.
In most cases, MIBD agents are NOT cleared to use lethal force and normally do not carry firearms. There are exceptions to this rule. Agents are trained in the use of firearms and are generally excellent marksmen.
GADGETS and WEAPONRY: As stated earlier, MIBD agents do not generally carry firearms. They do have a number of non-lethal gadgets at their disposal.
Tickler: Similar to a stun gun, a tickler directly stimulates the brain’s pleasure center, causing a sensory overload and temporary paralysis in its target due to intense ecstasy. Volunteers who have been “tickled” describe the sensation as being like the most intense orgasm ever experienced multiplied by several orders of magnitude. There are two variants of Tickler, a Taser-like device that fires twin darts, and a handle with two fixed electrodes. The electrodes must make physical contact with the subject’s skin to be effective. It is possible that the sensation may be addictive.
Gas: Actually a liquid, Gas is a powerful psychoactive drug absorbed through the skin. Gas induces intense euphoria and a state of extreme suggestibility, allowing the subject’s memories to be manipulated by a skilled user. Dosage is critical. Generally, two doses of Gas in a 24 hour period will be fatal. The drug is administered by aerosol spray from precisely calibrated dispensers disguised as breath sprays or perfume atomizers. Long-term effects of repeated dosages has not been determined.
Communication: Agents communicate via the Secure Electronic Voice Network (SEVN, pronounced “seven”.) Communicators are disguised as cell phones or compacts. A 512-bit single-use key is applied when communication is initiated and discarded when communication is terminated.
Characters to date:
Director Mary Risberg, code name Mother
Agent Lisa Darling, code name Amazon
Agent Alice Scott, code name Galaxy
Agent Lenore Chase, code name Hornet
Agent Denise Colt, code name Spirit
Agent Paula Novak, code name Black Bird (from “Underneath it All” by Morr1gan)
Agent Nora Spencer, code name Moon Maid
Agent Margo Lane, code name Shadow
Protectee Diana Hunter, code name Banker
Protectee Tom Arnold, code name Reuben
Unnamed former President of the United States, code name Elvis
Unnamed protectee, code name Schoolgirl
Other General observations: While explicit sex and gratuitous violence are not specifically prohibited, the emphasis of a MIBD story should be action and adventure.
It is assumed that the agency operates branch offices in other cities and has safe houses throughout the world. So far they have not been mentioned in a story.
The Agency has close ties with the Hunter Group and Ellis Laboratories.
I would request that any author who would like to write a MIBD story to send me the first draft prior to posting it. Also, if you assign an agent a new code name, let me know so I can keep the list of code names current. Thanks a lot!
By Dreams Betrayed - Allentown Team - Slothtrop's I Can See For
Glad that I read where Diana met Jo-Ellen: The Rose.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I Forgot Peter N_______
I almost forgot to mention Peter N_____. Peter N______ is a man of power ind influence. He often assists MIBD by arranging meetings with key individuals. He is perhaps the most influential man on earth, and he seems to know everybody. For security reasons, his exact physical description (as well as his real name) is never revealed.