At Long Last -- Eerie

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I've just posted Week 1 of "Eerie Saloon: Seasons of Change -- Spring."

I apologize for taking so long.

I've been having some BAD medical problems, and there were WEEKS when I didn't feel like working on the story. I thank my collaborator (and friend) Chris Leeson for his kindness and his great patience.

Chris and I are still working on the final edits. We'll post a new chapter as soon as we finish one. To better explain that; we just finished editing Week 7, so I posted Week 1. Week 2 will be posted when we finish Week 8. and so on.

Of course, if we get bogged down in a chapter, we may post an earlier one just to keep you from waiting too long.

Incidentally, we had talked about posting slowly in the hopes of getting more comments. So please, give us some.

Thanks, and we both hope that you enjoy the next part of the sage of the Eerie Saloon.


This has been a mainstay

Wendy Jean's picture

in my reading for years. I like POV for women of the era, the things we take as necessities were luxuries then. I also like the characters quite a bit. I haven't completely picked up my reading from my breakdown, but I'm getting there. There is simply too much to read here, an embaresment of riches.

I'm of course glad to see

I'm of course glad to see more Eerie and I'm very sad to hear about your medical issues. I'm a little disappointed to see you'll be posting in such small chunks. I really do prefer reading things in bulk but you do what you feel you must. I hope it works to get you some more comments. It's possible some people are put off by a story posted in one massive chunk, I've seen such comments here before. Anything to get your work more recognition is okay by me. It is one of my favourite series and I spend years looking forward to each part. :)