Fun weekend

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I spent the weekend moving into my new apartment, and have more stuff than I realized. Lots of books.... lots and lots of books.

No free time. All I was able to write was part of an outline to a story idea I came up with. When I say part, it was more like two hundred words and I ended up re-writing it today while I was at work and had some dead time I needed to fill.

Right now, I'm physically exhausted and doing my best not to fall asleep too early. I spent most of my evening moving boxes and furniture around and into the rooms they need to go into. I'll hit the ibuprofen before bed. Forgot to do this last night and sleep was miserable.

That knee I mentioned in my previous blog entry has taken a beating. Three times over the weekend while moving, I've hit it hard. Once when I pulled the ramp out the back of the moving truck and the other, I misjudged the space I had and pulled it into my knee. I hit a door jam, and I hit it on a piece of furniture. I don't even know how I can still walk. It hurts, but not any more than it did before. Nothing is broken or strained. It was just excruciating in the moment.

I also had a few moments where I could easily have ended up taking a trip to the emergency room. All were where I just tripped over something that I didn't even know was there, and in one case after tripping back, I fell onto my futon which had yet to be unloaded from the moving truck and I had a heavy box of books fall into my lap. That was exciting.... So yeah, that was my weekend.