Big opportunity

So I've been beating around the bush lately, primarily because I didn't want to Jinx myself. But I have been given a great opportunity and I have been able to take advantage of it so far.

Kristin Beck, former Navy SEAL and out transgender (she doesn't like the term transsexual) is writing her autobiography to undo the hack job that was Warrior Princess. I have been brought on as an adviser and consultant. For the last two weeks I have been working closely with Kristin to get this book ready in time for the South by Southwest film festival when there is a featured documentary about her (through CNN, it will also air on the network afterwards but I don't know the date).

It has been such an honor and privileged to get to know Kristin. We are a lot alike and both are very driven. I've gotten to hear a ton of cool stories first hand and am helping to mold her book into something she can be proud of. I hope that there are many here who will buy the autobiography as soon as it comes out to support someone who can really change the minds of mainstream society. As it sits now we have the first third of the book done. Most of the material for the latter parts of the book are there, they just need to be fleshed out and put in an order that makes sense. (I'm going for chronological).

The stuff that is causing the greatest problems are the things most recent. It is hard because the wounds are still fresh when it comes to her coming out to her family and the support isn't as it should be. It makes me sad that a true hero is struggling. Add to that the first book where she was taken advantage of and not getting her cut, makes me angry.

There are things that can't be in the book, as you can imagine. And there is the land mines of dealing with her personal life today. I am trying to balance the two as well. I know what I would like to see in the book and what would drive it up the best seller charts, but there are other considerations. My personal belief is that the book was such a hack job and painted family members in the wrong way that there is reserve for yet another book.

I really feel this is a story that needs to be told. I have had pause announcing what I've been doing, but I also need support and encouragement because the tight deadline and working weird hours when it comes to delivering papers wear me out. The book will be done and it will be done on time. We got to the 19th, maybe later with express shipping through createspace (she is self publishing).

Please pray for our perseverance and if you are able, show support when the book first comes out to drive it up the sales charts. If you have social media, consider posting the link when it comes. I think this can be a NYTimes best seller and anything less is not achieving this books full potential.

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