Approximately one year ago, Edeyn Hannah Blackeney passed away...
...tragically, too soon, and leaving her wife, Lisa, to grieve her. In that year, Lisa and I have, as some of you are aware, become close, and then lovers. Edeyn is not forgotten, however, and Lisa's grief is still very palpable. I may mourn a friend, but she mourns someone with whom she was planning to spend the rest of her life.
Many of you have interacted with Edeyn, both here and elsewhere, and some have even shared a roof with her. In her memory, and so as to offer a tribute of her to someone dear to us both, I come to you with a request:
Please share here what stories and memories you have.
Good or bad, fond or frustrated. Everything. She was a complex, rich human being, and we're trying to hold the whole person in our hearts. She was a great friend, a passionate lover, and a fierce foe. We want as much of her gathered together as we can get. Please, help me to help Lisa today; help us to remember her!
Thank you all in advance!