Happy Arnhem Day

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Celebrate by dropping in on someone unexpectedly.

And remember, minds are like parachutes; they function only when open.

Nancy Cole



Mm, yes

Kalkin62's picture

Yes, that's good too, that one comes to mind as well.

Written I believe by John Addison, who was actually a member of XXX corps, and participated in Market Garden

I always think of Scotland the Brave, because Atomic Games used that as the theme for their game V for Victory: Market Garden. In honor I believe of the 7th King's Own Scottish Borderers (part of the British 1st Airborne), who held Oosterbeek.

Every time I started the game up, I would hear the opening bars. Alas, it doesn't run on any of my current computers.

That reminds me

Angharad's picture

I have a book to write about someone who served at Arnhem - these days it's a lovely city and I've walked across John Frost Bridge.


Arnhem was the first foreign

Arnhem was the first foreign city I visited - on a field trip in 1976. It was a real education. The Gelderland mentality - copy and paste it onto the whole planet! The food, the urban morphology, the chip shops that sell beer...

Just leave out the nutmeg. It really doesn't enhance the flavour of cauliflower.

And for a proper Dutch soundtrack...


Wonderful, wonderful people.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

I love that remark.

Minds are like parachutes.

I'll be dropping in on somebody unexpectedly this Saturday!!!!!
