So far this Holy day season my rabbi concentrated on the idea "I AM my brother's keeper." I was thinking that I know three here who have unknowingly demonstrated to me that quality: Holly Hart, Penny Cardin and Gwen Brown. Among those mentioned by the rabbi was how four chaplains of the doomed WWII transport ship the Dorset gave up their life jackets and other items so that other soldiers could live. He also mentioned Mother Teresa who founded and maintained a hospital in one of the worse slums in the world, yet had a crisis of faith. I would have told Teresa, if I could, that despite her problem with faith she was an angel, a tool of G-d's love or mercy. I also realized that the four chaplains were also angles. So was Holly. So is Penny. So is Gwen. Their acts may have been great or small, but their acts made a corner of the word better.
I purposely did not explain why these three are angels. I know there are others here. Please add to this list.
4 Chaplains
The 4 chaplains aboard the USAT Dorchester are sterling examples of what the Clergy are really supposed to be about. Their behavior stands in sharp contrast to the money grubbing, hypocrisy, and demagoguery that are all too common, nowadays. Sadly, all sects seem to be afflicted with the disease.
Aren't we all?
I think everyone here has stood up for each other when we've needed it. Comforted each other when we needed it. And gave us a stern talking when we needed it.
I honestly couldn't make a list. It'd just wind up having every single member of BCTS on it anyways or near to! It'd certainly be a Who's Who of all active writers and commentators!
Abigail Drew.
My Addition
Wren & in his own way Stanman - he was my friend . Yes Abigail we all are Angels in our own special way.-- Richie2
Thank you Shalimar
Your comment was very nice, mashallah (all good comes from G_d). I try to be good but I am not as good as some think.
Much peace