My fourth book, ‘Dance of the Baccha’ is now available on Kindle. It and the three books of the Newly Chronicles are also available from in paperback.
I will be slowly putting my other books onto Kindle as I give them another edit and run through as I did with ‘Dance of the Baccha.’
In other news I finished ‘Grace’ last week. I need to set it aside for a while before going back for a good editing. My Anglo-Irish collaborator, know here as Persephone informed me she will be posting her first full length book ‘The Frozen Balance’ on Kindle very shortly. I for one look forward to seeing that again.
In the meantime, I wish all you other writers out there the best of luck with your projects.
Nancy Cole
This is the third time you've posted this in the last two days. Wasn't once enough?
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Evidently not
I look forward to your books and you post as many times as you deem necessary. I hope you have a lot of success. I was under the impression you removed all your works from Kindle and am glad it isn't the case. I thought you had New York editors working on something or am I thinking of someone else?
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
New York and Other THings
The literary agents I have had for the past 25 years have finally given into my prodding and have put 'The Other Side of the Wire' out to see if there is any interest in mass marketing the book. Thus far, some rave reviews but no takers. This is why I am falling back on my 'PLAN B' slowly releasing my older books one by one on Kindle which, as you and anyone who has tried to market themselves via word of mouth is a tough way to build a following.
As they say, we shall see what we shall see.
I appreciate you loyalty and hope my next few books will be as exciting as the past stories have been.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
I Think That It's Important
Repeating myself, I do think that it's important that those writers here who are able to successfully post their stories on sites like Amazon should be able to tells us too. As my sarge used to say:
I'm gonna tell youse guys 3 times:
First I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell ya,
Then I'm gonna tell ya,
Then I'm gonna tell ya that I tole ya.
Worked for me and a lot of other grunts too!!!
Nancy...I've liked your stories for a long time. So...could I beg for a teaser about Grace?