Hi everyone, I'd like some reader feedback. I didn't want to do it but I started another new story. Here's the premiss, a young boy has freakishly long eye lashes and becomes a spokes person for a cosmetics firm. I know where the story is going but I wonder what you readers would like for an ending? Should the boy transition or remain a boy? I'm having a hard time, well not that hard, trying to decide which way to go, boy or girl, actually man or woman. I've already started writing the story and it won't be hard to make it go either direction, let me know. I wish there was some way to do a poll, girl or boy, but that's not possible so leave a short comment, Arecee
I say let the character make that decision! AS you write the story, the main character will let you know which way to go.
...though I suspect just about everyone here will go the other way.
I'd like to see more stories where the guy gets a taste of the Other Side and enjoys it, but doesn't make it a permanent life-changing move.
Drop dead pretty boy.
I have seen a couple of boys or men that were absolutely drop dead pretty. I think it would be fun for a man to do as you say, and remain a man, but later when he marries his wife, they joke about his being prettier than her. Some good natured bantering back and forth would be really fun.
I know this is a TG site but not every male has to turn into a girl, IMHO
Isn't there a male supermodel who does women's clothes?
I don't see where a sex change is required to sell eye products. If the boy is happy as a boy, and doesn't mind being a model, he should be both. I don't buy into the 'dip your toe into girlhood' and suddenly that's what you've always wanted to be stories. Kids know if they are boys or girls, so the character should as well I would hope.
Actually it would be more fun to read about them trying to make him act girl-like (if he has to dress) and his resisting and ignoring all the advice. That could be amusing if written funny.
Male supermodel / women's clothes
You're thinking of Andrej Pejić, who has been known to model from both the men's and women's collections in the same show.
As for the character, you've now got three options: (a) transition to a girl, (b) reject femininity entirely, (c) remain as a male but crossdress from time to time. The third option is the one less frequently travelled in fiction, so could be worth exploring...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
I like these choices and would like to see more of choice #3.
But I look forward to reading your story however you chose to take the ending.
Mark <3
Gender is not between the legs,
nor is it on the tips of the eyelids.
Naturally long eyelashes alone are no reason to be transitioning, and they tell us nothing about what lies in his brain.
Personally I'd love to see him indulge in some crossdressing, but so far there's no reason for him to identify as a girl (although I obviously wouldn't complain if he got SRS to make his panties fit better).
"a young boy has freakishly long eye lashes"
What would "freakishly long" mean and why would that single feature be enough to write a story? It seems kind of slim to me because my wife constantly mentions how jealous she is of my eyelashes, but is that enough of a reason?
How about, boy's sister is jealous of her little bother's thick eyelashes, comments about them one day. Sister has some friends over for a slumber party and the girls talk the brother into letting them give him a makeover, just the face. Every is stunned by the results and they post a picture on FacePaperBack with a comment that mentions something about the cosmetics they used.
The snowball begins rolling downhill from there...
-- Sleethr
What about this idea
I'm thinking kind of along the line of sleethr. The sister (younger) gives him a makeover and dresses him up using a competitor's make-up and posts it on line. But, she does not know his contract is keeping the family afloat financially and he hates being the model. The parents find out what she's done and SHE has to dress and act like a boy because the brother's hand me downs are all that they have available to them for her to wear to school. She finds out she likes being a guy and transitions.
Absolutely inspired! ^_^
Alas it probably won't happen here, unless you write it yourself.
I vote boy
I have a soft spot in fiction where the male learns to enjoy his feminine nature and finds a female who enjoy his feminine nature as well.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann
Why should she have to stay on one side of the gender line when he can cross it at will? Most drag performers live their offstage lives as males, so your cosmetics model could do the same.
Lashes Person
Ends up she male/TG or male model for wimyn's clothes, wearing them much of the time.
Cosmetics company makes him take blockers so he doesn't grow brow ridges, which his dad and brother have (not horribly, just noticeably). Modeling happens gradually from pics of his eyes to his face and so on.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Why would the boy/man want to
transition? It is his eyelashes and face that are being seen. Now, unless you have him dress as a girl in public, he will not have the need to go enfem. Unles there is a girl that he is a double for, he shold not have to dress as a girl.
May Your Light Forever Shine
The premise of the question...
...it's not a matter of having to transition but rather if. There doesn't seem to be any implied compulsion, but instead Arcee seems to be asking whether or not the boy might want to transition as a part of the development of the feelings and motivations of the character.
Love, Andrea Lena
I do like the snowball rolling down hill theory with the proviso
that it does not deteriorate into a train wreck and the boy is manipulated, tricked etc into hormones and SRS.
I would think that any company that insisted on or even suggested taking blockers and such purely to protect a boys modeling potential -- or analogous treatments to keep a female androgenous and pre pubescent -- would be at best unethical and possibly even illegal.
I can see sibling rivalry, even a friendly one, as being a trigger.
But where it goes from there is any bodies guess.
Is it a journey of discovery and this makeup/modeling snowball leads to his finding out she is TG?
Is it at times a scary but ultimately fun romp? He survives the insanity intact and becomes an average kid but better perhaps because of it?
Will it be a bitter experience where he loses friends and his childhood to the demands of commercial success?
IE what is your overall intention for this tale? A series of crazy adventures/misadventures? Some good some not so but ultimately a happy or mostly so ending?
A tragedy where he is forced/tricked to become someone or something he never wanted to be?
Somewhere in-between the funny/happy outcome and the sad/tragic one?
Or as others here speculated, it is it a voyage of discovery for him and his sister? Will they learn they are both sisters? They learn they are better suited as the opposite sex? Maybe even this is in the *near future* and med tech is such they can swap bodies, reproductive systems or truly become the opposite sex?
Or this is a journey of discovery where one or both learn they have aspects of the opposite sex but are mostly their birth sex mentally? They are somewhere in-between and enjoy the occasional cross over at times.
And will this tale follow the usual *tropes* of TG or willfully ignore, even turn them on their heads?
Could be fun.
But could be a sad tale too.
So many ways to go from this initial premise.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Where was I? Oh! Nature vs nurture.. In this tale will the boy change due to his/her true nature coming out? IE the make-up and modeling reveal to him/her inner girl-ness and that being a boy was the facade, the mask?
Will he be a victim of a Stockholm Syndrome of sorts and be led down the garden path of femininity -- by well meaning but confused people or by selfish others -- until it is too late and he realizes this is not what HE wants?
So in other words will his experiences reveal who he or she is at their core being? Or will it retrain/twist him/her into something he/she is not? Or something he/she might never have become if not for the exposure and subtle/not so subtle manipulation.
Ultimately is nature or nurture the more powerful force at this stage of the child's life and will it help or harm?
And for that matter will his/her friend misinterpret his/her wishes, be true and neutral friends? Will they leave him thinking he is some TG pervert or conversely denying HER femininity?
And will the mom and other adults in his/her life be honest and supportive or KA-CHING! only see the cash register of HER modeling. Or even worse become a stage mom living vicariously through her new daughter whether the child wants to be a girl or not?
John in Wauwatosa
Boy/Man who loves Girls/Women...
and everything about them and can participate in all their pleasures as he chooses. While things might be forced or encouraged while he's starting out as he becomes better known and more in demand, his choices should be his to control. If he takes blockers or hormones he should make a deposit in a sperm bank so he can make his own choice about children as well.
On a personal note the most beautiful lashes I ever saw were on the man who recruited me to work for one of the best known, highest volume cosmetic companies in the states: A job I had for years as a salesman, key accounts salesman and district manager. That guy had such beautiful, long and full, lashes that it was hard not to stare! So, Arcee, this premise is very realistic and could lead almost anywhere.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!