MORFS Universe webpage

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Has anyone besids me noices that the MORFS Universe website is trying to go a year a head


The MORFS universe is such a

The MORFS universe is such a cool universe full of stories to read; and definitely one I read cover-to-cover early last year when I found it.... but unfortunately there are a lot of quality stories that are unfinished, and it didn't seem as if the forums were very active at the time. -- I'm glad to see a bunch of new activity there!

Moving slowly.

I follow this site often and it has been very slow lately. I noticed the announcement last month, but I do not know who to ask about it.
I took a spin through the story index and it is displaying the story contents. I also checked a couple of stories and they are still present.


With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Webmaster Has Been Notified

terrynaut's picture

I've notified the person who currently maintains the MORFS site. The bad date will be fixed. Don't worry.

- Terry, who has a couple stories on the MORFS site


I have that in my favs but wish someone would up date the stories.

Main problem

the only real problem i see is the few updates


yep it could use more update