You may remember several weeks ago, one of Bailey Summers' original songs from Jem got a very positive reception. At the time, only the lyrics existed.
When I read it, I started to get the inklings of a tune, and with Bailey's permission, have attempted writing some music for it (my first attempt at composing since GCSE Music in 1993-95!). Bailey approves, so now the next stage is to publish it here, in the hope we've got some arrangers / musicians / singers who can take Bailey's words and my melody / chords, and work some magic with them.
To that extent, I've created and uploaded a couple of midi files (which you can either play on your computer, import into a notation editor or import into a sequencer), together with a PDF containing the basic score and lyrics. All are hosted on Google Docs, so the PDF will open in your browser while the midis will bring up a download page. I can also provide it in Rosegarden's native format, musicXML, mup or a csound score on request.
N.B. I haven't worked out how to get Rosegarden to do dynamics yet, so it's all the same volume; and I'd imagine a real performance would be slightly Rubato rather than following the timing to the letter!
N.N.B. In case I haven't made it obvious, you are hereby given permission to rearrange my score, add voices / harmonies, and basically remix it however you want:
Oncology.mid (a MIDI file - computer-readable score)
Oncology2.mid (simple alternative arrangement)
Oncology.pdf (Human-readable score)
This is huge and really amazing Mittfh:)
We would love to hear from the rest of you out there it would be great to see what could be done by all of you and we would be thrilled to have anyone try to sing the song itself:)
*Great Big Hugs to All*
*Huge HUGS for Mittfh!*
Bailey Summers.
Bailey Summers
I play bass guitar
and sing like a frog in a blender. I wish you well, though, in this endeavour.
Singing... entirely optional! I haven't written a bass track, but as it's got chords, someone should be able to figure out an appropriate bass line and either record it or scribble down the relevant notes.
If anyone's got an instrument and a means of hooking it up to a computer, a common piece of free software called Audacity will be able to record it (the program's also able to play back a track simultaneously, so you can do multitracking - i.e. playing one track while recording another - there are plenty of tutorials on the web and YouTube).
If you know your way around an instrument but can't record, feel free to print off the sheet music and annotate it with chords or a melody / harmony line for your instrument - if you can somehow get that back to me I'll be able to add it to the score for the benefit of those who can record.
If you're an average singer but don't want to tackle the whole thing, backing / harmony vocals are welcome as well :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
this is an interesting idea...
I'm NOT a muso, unfortunately. But like Bailey, I can write words very well, and even turn a decent lyric upon occasion.
It might be interesting to make a collaborative album from just BCTS members contributing lyrics, music, and talent.
I'd be willing to help on the lyrics end of it...
Speaking of, anyone really really good with both Japanese and English who might be interested in helping me turn a certain poem into a duet? I've got a rough idea for a Japanese part, but don't know the language anywhere near well enough to write it convincingly.
I ought to be able to come up with a chorus for If I Could But Hie To Kolob and contribute that to the work as well.
This could be a lot of fun! We could sell it on Amazon or something and turn the profits over to helping the site.
EDIT: Oh... but I DO know someone with lots of high end studio software, he's going to school for music production... Might be able to recruit him to help make our efforts sound pro.
Abigail Drew.