What's in an alias?
I'm curious what some of the usernames around here mean. I've seen a number of interesting aliases and wondered at the significance of them. A good portion of them I sure are just made up names which have no real meaning, but not all. So what is the significance of your username?
Why am I asking this? Well it's spurred by people's own curiosity over my own username. I've already been asked about it a number of times and I was asked again today.
So what exactly does my username mean?
My username is a tribute to DAW Books a science fiction and fantasy publisher which in turn uses the initials of the founder Donald A. Wollheim, as it's name.
Also a quick update on my writing
Don't worry I'm still writing I've written more in the last three days than I have in the last two weeks. I've had a lot of family drama, and work related chaos in the last little while that has kept me busier than I would have liked. I'm up to 16,000 17,000 words on Destiny, the sequel to transfigured and I think I've passed the half-way point. I keep thinking of new things to add and loose ends to tie up.
The Jotun finally rear their ugly heads as well as does the villain who's behind it all. We get to find out where all the male Gods went and I finally reveal what Aryanna's debt to the Elf Queen entailed.
I have no alias
I just don't give my full name.
Neither do I!
Grover :)
and grover
And you're a purple Muppet!!!! That's how I view you and that's how you will be.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
That's Super Grover!
My middle name
is Daniel. My last initial is J. Danielle J wasn't too particularly hard to come up with.
I'm going to use the name Daniel Thomas when I epublish a story later this year. Daniel Thomas was the name of my son born in 2003 and the inspiration for one of my stories. My wife approves of my using Daniel Thomas as a writing name.
Chance is the pseudonym of God when he did not want to sign.- Anatole France
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
My first name is Daniel and
My first name is Daniel and my middle name starts with J (both of them do, actually). That was what I thought of when I first saw your name. :P
I didn't like Danielle when I was younger, and did like Lisa, so I used that as my femme name since I was young, but over the last few years, I've started to like Danielle more and just recently decided to use it as my middle name.
I've been using variations of Lisa Lore in many places online. It's from one of my favorite role playing game characters, Lady Lisa Loremistress, noblewoman, Mage, and Sage-Commander of the Library-Fortress of Lae-roth. Lisa Lore sounds cool though too. There's also a singer named that. She's not me. I am told I have a terrible voice. (okay, I'm the one telling myself)
Lisa Danielle Lore
So long as it doesn't have to make sense immediately
I am and have been for a long time a fan of all things Japanese. My name, Janet, transliterated to ジャンコ, didn't really have much meaning for me. So I started looking for kanji that would work, in other words, what would the Japanese equivalent to 'Janet' be?
After much research with a kanji dictionary, I found the character 雀, pronounced 'jan,' meaning 'sparrow'. A common 'suffix' for Japanese girl's names is å, pronounced 'ko,' meaning 'child' or 'young woman'.
So I determined that my 'native Japanese' name was 'Janko,' 雀å.
By the time I had figured this out, that name had already been taken on a lot of different forums, etc. So, I translated it back to 'sparrow child'.
Yeah, this is involved and perhaps convoluted, but you DID ask.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
So far...
So far that's the best story behind a name. : D
Have delightfully devious day,
Just saying
Are you trying to say
that you're delicious and the best way to start the day?
Not just good for starting
Not just good for starting the day! I just had a bowl of "Admiral Crunch" for dinner...
Have delightfully devious day,
A complete breakfast
And... when eaten as a complete breakfast with milk, grapefruit, and bacon; has all the nutrition of milk, grapefruit, and bacon! (Thanks, Martin Mull!)
Hugs and greetings to a fellow Futurama fan.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders
To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Well Diana is the roman name for Artemis
who is the greek goddess of the hunt and the moon, Diana is my chosen name, so Moongoddess.
The meaning of mine...
Aside from never having been accused of being normal before, I've also been called a hellion and something of a trouble maker a few times when I was in highschool. One of the names that a classmate of mine called me was "Loki", of Norse mythology. I've never really looked into it, but he said that Loki was what could be called an "Epic Trickster," or a god of mischief of some sort.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Peace be with you and Blessed be
That would definitely describe him, but he's actually a pretty dark figure in mythology. He does cause mischief, but always the harmless sort of trickery we're used to. In most of Norse mythology he tends to be cast as a villian that opposed the norse gods. Occasionally he does help them.
Have delightfully devious day,
I did a little digging...
After posting that because I got tired of being so lazy about it. That sounds about right from what I read on wikipedia, and it wits with the pranks I pulled in high shcool too.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Im just a unabashed Pen and
Im just a unabashed Pen and paper Rpg geek. Dungeons and Dragons FTW!! Except 4th edition. Gods no to 4th ed. Shadowstarr was a characters name. 85 was the year i was born
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
>>>>>I'm a new soul.I came to this strange world.Hoping I could learn a bit bout how to give and take.<<<<<
Dungeons and Dragons
Erin Halfelven was my human paladin raised by elves in a long-running campaign. She was a communist paladin (it has many earmarks of a religion). :) We fought a long war with fascist orcs. At one point as we prepared for battle, I said, "We taunt them by singing The East is Red," the anthem of the Chinese Communists.
One of my fellow paladins at the table immediately ad libbed, singing (and he had operatic training): "The East is Red, the North is Blue, the South is Yellow and so-o-o-o are you."
We laughed for almost half an hour. :)
Erin had a sword named Rhys ap Morgan, the Light on the Shore, which I turned into Morgan Preece, the Shore of Light, for another of my pen names. Rhys, the sword, glowed in the presence of orcs and had smite evil powers in the hands of a paladin, +2 to hit and +3 dice of hellfire against evil. Also did a total heal once per day and made me count as three levels higher for turning undead once per day. Nice sword. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Erin Halfelven...I seem to remember you...
Wire Paladin
Forgotten Realms
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Nice sword...
It certainly sounds like it.
Peace be with you and Blessed be
Peace be with you and Blessed be
So I'm not the only one with a DnD inspired name, huh?
Back in the day when I first got my hands on Dungeons and Dragons rulebooks, I had nobody to play with, so I ended up usually just sitting around and dreaming about playing, making different characters to mess around with how to build the different races/classes effectively.
I'd always have a background story and personality in mind for each character, but one in particular really stuck with me -- my half-elf rogue that I had named Rasufelle, a made-up word that I thought sounded cool. As I moved out of second edition rules into first edition (since some friends of mine had books for it) and later on to third, 3.5, and onward, Rasufelle the half-elf rogue became my default character to start with and experiment with the mechanics.
Later, when I got to college and managed to experience the joy that is non-dialup internet, I began checking out forums and things for the first time, many of which required a user name or account. Well, what better name to use than Rasufelle?
And so it's stuck with me, from site to site. Nobody else on any of the sites I visit has ever been using it before me, and it seems to fit my personality fairly well, at least to me. Even the shorter moniker "Ras" seems to be in limited use, surprisingly enough, with one of the few sites I've seen with another user using it being our own BCTS.
And that, my friends, is the drawn-out explanation behind my rather boring name.
Melanie E.
Mine is partially DnD based.
I had an elf druid I played back when I was 8 (1996-Ad&d times) named Indilwen (Lily in Sindarin). I sort of adopted the name as time went by and hence the first part of my nick.
Indilwen was as epic as druid can be , buffing her party (<3) and being the shy yet wacky elvish teenager. She was later made into an Hierophant as prestige class were becoming to miss on.
She'll be forever be remembered as the one char that was never remade in 4th ed. (We will see about 5th ed.).
Yet another D&D name
Arixensjach is the name of a half-dragon cleric I used to play. I derived the name from the pidgin-draconic dictionary in the Draconomicon. It means Fire's Shadow. Basically sjach means 'shadow' and arixen means 'belongs to fire'.
I wish I could say mine had meaning...
I was stuck on coming up with a name so I hit the keyboard randomly and then deleted a bunch of consonants and vowels. This is what I was left with.
That's one way of coming up with a username ;-)
Have delightfully devious day,
Is a Welsh boy's name meaning holly as in the tree.
what's in an alias?
Well, since you asked....
My name is Denise Anesidora Trask.
If one searches Anesidora they will find it is the equivalent of Pandora. Yes, that Pandora.
Since Pandora supposedly opened the box letting all those little problems out, I was going to make my alias Anesidora's Box but further research indicated the likelihood that it was actually an urn which had been unsealed and not necessarily by Anesidora since the urn could only be opened by a God so....
Anesidora's Urn. I suppose she could have used her feminine wiles to get a God to open the lid.
Anesidora ;)
Well, I rage...
I have a serious rage within me that can never emerge, never, ever. The consequences would be violent and disastrous for those I care about, those I don't care about and myself. Honestly I would prefer not to live as life is little beyond pain and rage but I have parents, children, people who would be messed up by my "retirement". Some would deserve it but most don't. So, I am trapped, fulminating in impotent pain and rage, never ever to explode.
Hence "Thera" or fully "Thera Santorini". Both words are the same thing and google able.
You did ask. Sorry.
That sounds rather ominous. It's not good to bottle things up believe me. I see a therapist for that reason among others. If you don't deal with this 'rage' it will come out eventually.
Have delightfully devious day,
No choice
I am not unknown to therapists. I am quite safe. Not a sociopath or anything like that. But not real happy.
The quiet
My alias is more of a description of my personality. I've been told I'm too quiet and that I do not stand up for myself. You could it was a learned behavior from my family where every time I got loud or spoke out I was told I was wrong, shouldn't feel that way or my personal favorite (You know they didn't mean it because they love you. Like hurting someone but saying you love them is ever an excuse.) so now I worry so much about offending others while my words that I lose the nerve to just say anything. And Nikki is just my nickname. I think I tried Silence or silent but both were taken if I remember.
Okay, here's mine
Wren is a tribute to my Dad (Warren) Erendae comes from Bailey Summers (I thought it was SO cool), and Phoenix comes from several things, but mostly because Wren is a kind of rebirth for me. Someone here knows what my name is, but I don't know who they are! I don't want to be the person I have to be in Real Life, so I don't use that name. My nickname to my friends is Bear, and I kind of look like one.
Just me
My name, first and middle anyway, are what my mother and father chose if they had a daughter. My last name is actually derived from my original last name, the spelling regularized, and there you have it. When we were disowned by our parents, my partner and I decided to change our last names to something for us as life partners. Robyn had the idea for what to use, and I could no more say no to her than I could hold back the wind and rain. After she died I made everything official and legal, so I am, in the eyes of the courts, Karen Jean Taylor.
I have several aliases I use elsewhere, they mostly arose from the circumstances that made them necessary and hold little meaning other than being a convenient handle to hang my hat on.
Karen J.
* * *
I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle. - Winston Churchill
"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin
First I'd like to apologize.
Real life has interfered significantly with my visits here, and I want to say I'm sorry for not being more encouraging. As far as my name? I interviewed once with a Mental Health Services Provider in a town just north of Princeton, New Jersey. Belle Meade. Simple, huh? Oh, and by the way? A shout out to my cousin Andrea D! Mom and Sally say hello and so does my sweetie (Alice for everybody else) We may be relocating sometime soon, so I hope to keep in better touch if and when we get settled into new employment and housing. (Think Taos and art and stuff!)
P.S. Oh? That's Alice's Mom, btw everyone! My mother passed just a bit after apologizing to me for things best left unsaid.
my name not what people think
When I first started this whole TG fiction fad of mine, my original thought was to be named Kelly Lynn. I chose that because the name was androgynous and could go either way and had a bit of an Irish lilt to it. But, just before I posted my first story, the Story Kelly Girl was being immensely popular around FM and I didn't want to appear to be stealing anyone's thunder. This was before I actually knew anyone.
So I had to come up with a new name that would work. I wanted to keep the initials of my birth name so I decided on Little (taken from my last name which begins with L) and Katie. Now I had no idea of Adult Babies or Adult Little Girls when I took the name Little. It was really sort of a pun because I am anything but little and had the nickname of Tiny for years. But I thought it was nice to have a descriptive word in there and didn't want to go with pretty or beautiful and definitely not sexy... so i used little.
Now on with Katie. I didn't chose Katie as the name for the name it self. It actually was from initials. I took my male birth name Keith (k) and my nickname Tiny (t) and came up with KT and when you say it quick it sounds like Katie and that was good enough for me. If you notice I reverted my name back and my pseudonym I put on my books is K.T. Leone which is more closely resembling my birth name and also restores the androgyny I was initially seeking. I do keep posting under Little Katie because several of my work are extremely popular and i didn't want to lose my initial fan base.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
From My Real Name
When I was born I had two names: my legal name and my real (Jewish) name. My real name in Yiddish would be translated to "Wolf Peace." Transitioning, I kept the "peace" part in the feminine: Shaleemah. But many would not pronounce or spell it property, so I used the Indian word for "Princess" in the spelling and used the diminutive: shalimar. It is also easier to spell. I also would like to think I fight for peace.
My Name.....
[email protected] ..... Is really close to my 'given' name.;0 It has elements of truth, and denial, and wish-fulfillment.;0
If you need more details, feel free to PM Jonelle!!!;0
Luv And Hugs,
Always Bailey's Cuter Half!!!(Grins&Giggles)
[email protected]
Just my initial
Well to be precise there is my first name, last name and my mother last name.
It might be Transition from Male to Female... it fit with the site, but will not be for a long time if it come to that.
About 15 years ago ...
I was hunting around for a new user name (For a Shadowrun board I think) and "Annachie Gordon" by Loreena McKennitt was playing in the back grond and a I thought that it sounded like a good name.
Kaleigh Way
My explanation's fairly prosaic, I'm afraid.
I'm entirely of Irish extraction, and my "real" name is quite Irish, so I wanted an Irish name.
After scouring lists of Irish names for girls, I couldn't resist the name Kaleigh.
Then I looked for an Irish surname that wasn't in heavy use, and found Way.
After that, I googled the name to be sure that someone unsavory wasn't already using it.
I've discovered that there are streets named Kaleigh Way in Texas and North Carolina, so maybe I have fans in the zoning department...
You mean...
I think you mean what's the story behind the name(s) we use for ourselves here on BCTS...
Assuming this - My story's kinda booring. Annette was one of the names I "picked" for myself - 25 years ago, but didn't end up using... At the time I started using it online, I still didn't expect to ever be able to transition and my health SUCKED.
It's not my name today - nor will it be after I get the judge to approve my name change in a few months. I decided - quite some time ago - that it's a nice name for an author...
As to the MacGregor - I grabbed that because I have Scot ancestry... And, there's even a link to Clan Gregor in my family tree so - I figured... It sounded nice together. (About 1/3 of my ancestors came from Scotland - most in the 1700s.)
And - my original name on this site - that came from a talking Mule (from a movie - WAY back). And, no, I'll not say why I used that name. LOL
So - like I said - no highly interesting story. (But, if you google Annette MacGregor - you can find a REAL LIVE person with that name... More than one.)
I'm curious what's in a alias?
Mine is my nickname and year I was born.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Well, it's complicated, completely ambiguous, and perhaps a tiny bit risqué, all at once.
Here are a few hints off various etymology and language lists.
Puddintane Origin
Poon, Poontang
You see a lot of nonsense about this, including folk derivations from French Putain, from thence to Filipino (Ilokano dialect) putang (which is clearly from the French), both meaning "whore" or "fuck," and thence through pure coincidence to Poontang, to Poon, which is more probably from Puddintame or Puddintane.
"The Real Issue" William Allen White 1896 earliest known citation. "Puddin' 'n' tame, ast me agin an' I'll tell you the same.......
lots of speculation on poontang unable to find citation.
Archived Reply
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:38 pm
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Post Puddin' Tame / Puddin Tame / Puddin 'N' Tame / Puddintane
Posted on: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:32 am
This is phrase is just too good to quit on. I’ve searched through several slang dictionaries, and the web, and haven’t been able to find PUDDIN TAME. However, the 171 Google hits I got on that phrase, convinced me that the expression is not unknown, especially to fans of the previously mentioned band with the clever name, 69 BOYZ . And I did find some very interesting associated material on PUDDING and possible threads of connection between several items that appear at first glance to be unrelated.
Dictionary of American Slang:
PUDDING noun [by 1719] The penis. ‘You can’t even come off unless you pull your own pudding’ – Philip Roth [my guess is from his novel ‘Portnoy’s Complaint’]
Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang (note: I finally read the introduction and realized that a ‘+’ sign after the date means that the word is still in use)
PUDDING noun 1. [late 17th cent.+] sexual intercourse. 2. [late 17th cent.+] the penis (cf. PUD, PULL ONE’S PUD) 3. [late 17th cent.+] semen. 4. [18th cent.] the stomach (cf. PUDDING-HOUSE) 5. [19th cent.+] meat, usually liver, that has been impregnated with drugs or poison, used by a thief to silence a house dog (cf. verb PUDDEN). 6. [1930’s +] an unborn child, a foetus (cf. HAVE A BUN IN THE OVEN; IN THE PUDDING CLUB; PUDDING IN THE OVEN). [in standard English pudding, guts, entrails]
Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary
Main Entry: PUDDING
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English; perhaps akin to Old English ‘puduc’ wart, Low German ‘puddek’ sausage, ‘puddig’ swollen
1 a) : BLOOD SAUSAGE b) obsolete : sausage stuffing for roast meat ‘that roasted … ox with the pudding in his belly— Shakespeare’ c) dialect England : GUTS — usually used in plural
2 a) (1) : a boiled or baked unsweetened soft food usually having a cereal base and a texture resembling custard and eaten either as a main course or as a side dish ‘Virginia chicken pudding’ ‘corn pudding’ — compare HASTY PUDDING, YORKSHIRE PUDDING (2) : a usually boiled or baked sweetened dessert of a soft, spongy, or thick creamy consistency ‘bread pudding’ ‘rice pudding’ ‘chocolate pudding’ b) : an unsweetened dish often containing suet or having a suet crust and originally boiled in a bag but now often steamed or baked ‘fig pudding’ ‘beefsteak and kidney pudding’ — compare PLUM PUDDING c) : something that resembles a pudding ‘pudding bolster’ ‘the low bogs … had been churned to chocolate-colored puddings of ancient peat— Farley Mowat’
4 a) : inherent quality : ability to measure up to expectations : ADEQUACY, MERIT ‘proved his pudding commercially— Newsweek’ ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’ b) : tangible support or profit ‘truth with gold she weighs, and solid pudding against empty praise— Alexander Pope’
The Barnhart Concise Dictionary of Etymology
PUDDING: noun 1287 animal stomach or casing stuffed with meat, etc., kind of sausage; earlier as a surname Pudding (1176); also ‘poding’ (before 1300); of uncertain origin (perhaps related to Old English ‘puduc’ a wen, with allusion to swelling; or traditionally associated with Old French ‘bodin,’ ‘boudin’ sausage from the root ’bod-‘ bloated or swollen; and possibly cognate with Low German ‘pudderwurst’ a thick black pudding, ‘puddig’ thick, bloated). German and Dutch forms were borrowed from English
The soft cooked food resembling custard (1670), comes from food boiled or steamed in a bag, first recorded in 1544.
Verses in parentheses are sung or spoken by women
And now to the nitty-gritty and to what was probably the basis for the original Clubhouse question. From the not to subtle “69 Boyz†big hit (to some) ‘Puddin Tame’:
Verse 1: Thrill Da Playa
Hey girlfriend, what's yo name? I've been watchin' you all night long
And the way you move that Puddin Tame has really turned me on
So get on the daaaaaance floor, and work it one mo' gen
Push! Swang that Puddin Tame until the party end
I like when you grab dem hips, and move it down real slow
Round and round with that grindin' motion, down to the floor
I know the panties you wearin' helpin' that thang look fine
It's got to be dem G-string 'cause I ain't seen no panty line
For those of y'all who don't know, just what that Puddin Tame mean,
It's that monkey, that kitty cat, that jumpin' jellybean, baby.
Chorus (2x)
(What's your thing?) Puddin Tame. Ask me again, I'll tell you the same.
(What's your thing?) Puddin Tame. Still the same, ain't nothin' changed.
Some like it in a bowl, some like it on a stick
Some like they Puddin nice and thin, but then some like it thick
No matter how you like it, I love my Puddin Tame
And if you ask me just one mo' gen, I'm still gon' say the same, uh!
Verse 2: The Rottweiler
Yo, c'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon, jump, just gimme that thang
Some say it's greed, but I just need that good ol' Puddin Tame
Yo, and it ain't hard, and once you start, I won't let ya stop
I want your bowl o' jello, baby; jus' gimme that Puddin-Pop
Now understand if you got a man then, yo, I don't need ya
But if you're alone and got it goin' on, jus' let me freak ya
Now it's about time, I'm down with 6-9, and ain't no shame in my game
Up and down, round and round, even doo-doo brown,
So jus' gimme that Puddin Tame! Uh!
Verse 3: Thrill Da Playa
Baby, don't get me wrong; you shakin' dat booty to death
And when I saw that Puddin Tame, I just couldn't help myself!
The way you move that Puddin Tame got things all in my head
It's 69, not TLC, and I Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg!
There's somethin' 'bout that Puddin there
That's different from the others
That one there looks just like, it should be on an album cover
And I don't discriminate, naw, I'm not that type of fella
As long as the Puddin's sweet, I like it chocolate or vanilla
For those of y'all who don't know, just what that Puddin Tame mean,
It's that monkey, baby, that kitty cat, that jumpin' jellybean!
I think with this short excerpt, even the uninitiated can get the picture.
Interesting interconnections! Very roughly, we start with some guy’s name (Sir Pudding *G*) in the 12th century, and then move on to sausage, swelling, and black pudding in the 13th century. We take a mulitcentury breather to regroup, and then return in the 17th century with renewed vigour to graduate to sexual intercourse, the penis, and semen (keeping live the swelling/sausage theme); and then quickly pick up the stomach in the 18th with a club trip to Harvard in 1795. With the dawn of the 19th century Harvard adds the accompanying histrionics and then things moved on quite naturally to spiked dog food that would make a canine drowsy and TAME (or even worse, dead) in the course of an attempted burglary, to a possibly over-relaxed person who could, of course, just be a dodo, nitwit or ‘puddinhead’ a la Clemens, but who could possibly have been an innocent victim of some soporific slipped into her lemonade in an early attempt at date rape, but who, on the other hand, could have been a not-so-innocent sexy and promiscuous woman, in fact, an ‘easy lady,’ a ‘tame pudding’ or, moving onward and upward into the 20th century as so colourfully defined, in the immortal words of those ‘69’ guys and as so elegantly named (but not at all ‘homonymically’ related to) ‘the poontang’ in the 1920’s (later abbreviated in the 40’s to just ‘the poon’) – a phrase for what resides between every woman’s legs: THE PUDDIN TAME.
PUDDIN TAME. What a phrase. I have newfound respect for it, which I didn’t have before I started this investigation. What an interesting stew of a story unfolds as one follows the etymological thread as it weaves its way through intercourse, spiked dog food, a ‘baby in the oven,’ the penis, stuffed stomach casings (good old wurst) and semen – possible condom connection here (!), a Yorkshire treat, a relaxed or loose person (including sexually), and possibly even a fool, simpleton and dumkopf, the stomach, the vagina, and of course good old Harvard. I love it. This sort of brew reminds me of a TV series that appeared in the 70’s on PBS (probably produced by the BBC) in which that wonderful British fellow, James Burke, looked at the history of technology and traced the ‘Connections’ between the seemingly unconnected.
Ken G - April 8, 2002
Reply from Ken Greenwald (Fort Collins, CO - U.S.A.)
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I've mentioned this before...sorry for repeating myself!
...sorry for repeating myself! DiMaggio is my great-grandfather's name; third cousin of sorts to Joe, Dom and Vince. Lena is short for Magdalena; a favorite Biblical woman of mine. Andrea is the feminine version of Andrew (or the masculine Italian) and it means warrior. I've been in a fight for most of my life for my life, and I owe much of this life to the folks here, so thanks once again.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
my name is Denise Miles but my Native American name is Little Trout because the first thing i hunted and killed and ate was a rainbow trout and i was little around 6. my wife Janet aka sparrow child is a huge fan of Japan. so Ayako is Japanese for little trout. hence my picture of a little rainbow trout.
Holy @#$%
I can't believe I received so many responses. I posted this on impulse over a minor curiosity.
Thanks for all the responses!
Have delightfully devious day,
Another Initial Name
Arcie Emm is the sound of my initials verbalized.
I have a great name for writing one handed fiction; however, it is much more difficult than I expected. Though that's true for everything I try to write these days.
Just my intials
The girl in me...
She's always there and often out of the loop.
Oh yes.
It was part of the top secret memo that you weren't supposed to know about.
Have delightfully devious day,