I came so close. I was only able to wite 48,500 words for NaNoWriMo
It was the week of Thanksgiving that killed it. I had to spend so much time with family and food that I wasn't able to write.
My spouse would kill me if I suggested that I try again next year. I guess I was missed.
I did get a LOT written. 8 chapters of HaP are done, but not exactly edited. and I finshed off Nano.
Hope you give 'Healing a Princess' a chance. I see that some people are reading it. I just wish that they would give a little feed back even though it isn't a TG story.
Hope you all had a good holiday and that you all have a merry/happy christmas
I applaud you for getting
I applaud you for getting that far in NaNoWriMo. 48K+ words in a month is no simple feat to accomplish for most of us. You of course get that burst in the beginning, but sustaining it can be difficult. I have tried the challenge the last few years, and have never gotten close. Personally I would call this a win. You may not have come in first, but with that output I would think you have every right to say you finished the marathon. And that is something to be proud of.
And yes, relationships can be strained by efforts like this, but I bet it put some things in perspective for both of you.
Novel writing.
Well, I've done about half that in a month, so you did pretty well, in my opinion. Yes, to me HaP is real demonstration of wordsmything, as far as I am concerned. I would suggest that it is in the teen, young adult genre, and might do well on the commercial market.
Much peace
Healing A Princess, Chapter 40
Anistasia, You may have noticed that the listing of Chapters that appears for the whole Healing A Princess series, to date, is now showing Chapter 40 after Chapter 10. It also appears this way in the printer friendly version. I hope you can fix this, as I always seem to lose passages when I have to cut and paste.
Keep up the good work!
?? Part of the problem
was extra spaces in the three periods before the chapter number but I have no idea what is keeping 40 before 37, good luck Anistasia, you may have to ask the experts for help.