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They can be a good thing, and a bad thing, you know.

And no, not the ones I get.

I recently commented on a story that hurt someone I regard quite highly, though it wasn't meant to do that. I regret that. A lot.

You know who you are. I don't expect you to come and tell me it's okay, because it isn't.

All I ask is the you find it in your heart to forgive me in time. Not right now, or in the next few weeks or months. Just in time.

The upshot here is to let all of you know to consider what you say in comments very carefully before you post them.




Thank you for reminding us that we can make mistakes

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Maggie, if it helps, I know

Maggie, if it helps, I know _exactly_ where you're coming from.

However, it's almost certainly not totally your fault. When a comment is written, people forget that for both the writer _and_ the reader, it's not a complete story. I've had people go ballistic on me for mild jokes, comments on writing style, and everything else - why? Because they took it as being an attack, and NEVER ASKED QUESTIONS!

Clarifications are always a good thing. If someone walked up to you and said something that you think is offensive ("Hey, doesn't that chick across the street have a great ass?"), do you IMMEDIATELY slap them, or do you say "Pardon? Could you repeat that?" or "Wait a minute, did you actually mean to imply that I was a lesbian?"

When you are writing a comment, and when you are reading a comment - ESPECIALLY if you're reading something written - don't assume that the body language and word emphasis you have in your head is actually being put across. It's not.

I hope things get better.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Considering some of you

Considering some of you literally made me cry with your comments, I'm going to strongly agree with Maggie.

If it was mine...

I sent a PM apologizing the next morning. Did you get it?

Melanie E.

I don't comment often

and when I do I choose my words carefully and I mean what I say. I cannot control how others interpret that nor control their emotions so I don't apologize for THEIR feelings. It is not my job to protect others from themselves. I prefer to be honest with myself and with others. So I simply don't comment because of the house rules that discourage such comments no matter the truth in them.

Visit my Caption Blog: Dawn's Girly Site

Visit my Amazon Page: D R Jehs

I know this one

Much of what I say has ALWAYS been mistaken for quite the opposite. It hurts me when people take what I say and turn it around. Ive decided one word comments may be my best solution.



Well if you're talking about me, you're plowin' the wrong field there girl. You've never said anything that offended me, at least not to my recollection. And if you did say something that was, as they say here, 'unfriendly,' well, I don't remember it and there's no need to remind me of you transgression. Save your mia copas and atonement for Yom Kippur.

Nancy Cole


~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson

Big of You

This is very BIG of you to apologize in such a public way. I hope that you are forgiven and who ever was hurt will heal -- LOVE YOU ALL - RICHIE2