NaMoWriMo is this next month. (I hope I have that right)
I have never particiapated in it, but I believe this year I will give it a try. 3 years ago I had a good writing spell during Nov. and ended up writing 35,000 words. So I hope with a little bit of planning I can make the 50,000 word goal.
I've finished editing the first 37 chapters of HaP and am working on a detailed outline for the next 10+ chapters. I also have Princess and the Jock to re-write since the first few chapters were disasterous with errors. I could also work on Rock,Paper,Scissors.
any other ideas? feedback?
Keeping fingers crossed except when to type.
I don't know what NaMowriMo is...
But what ever you write, I will read. :)
NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth
November is National Novel Writing Month.
The challenge is to write a novel (>50,000 words) during the month.
--Brandon Young
--Brandon Young
That might just be a good challenge
my drive has been spotty of late and i think it would be fun to write another novel. my first was torturous to write... maybe an artificial deadline would make it easier... hmmmm
1366 words
Someone told me to hit the 50,000 words in the month, one must write 1366 words per day. I think that comes out to be just over 10 pages per day.
1366? that's 10 pages? i ever overwrite! i consider it a poor session under 3000... whoa!
i guess i need to relax...
I think my figuring is wrong.
My Camp Kumoni chapters are about 3000 words and they end up being about 8 pages. so I guess I'm wrong. sorry.
it depends on the size of the page, and the size of the text?
- - -
Vampire Catgirl. I love huggles, and drinking blood out of a saucer on the floor! ^_^

...I get about 1200-1500 words in two pages at 11-12pt. with most standard fonts, like Courier, Arial, and TNR (and now the accursed Calibri). ^^;
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
Its that time of year again.
Good Luck.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'd love to see more of Princess and the Jock.
I've just been left feeling like I've been hanging. I loved Erica's character and love the first two stories but P&J has left me feeling in limbo and I think I might know where it was going but you got in my opinion slammed pretty hard for not staying with the sweet and cuddly.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
For What It's Worth
I'm going to try once again. My first goal, this year, is...
Not to quit three days in. >.<
Seriously, though, if anyone here wants to be-"buddy" me there, I'm registered as e-Alleman. ^^; Peer pressu... um... "mutual support" and all.
Successor to the LToC
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I thought about this before
Almost did it last year, but was working a lot. This year I'm unemployed. I should try it, but what to write aabout
Ideas for writing...
...are depressingly easy to find. Too easy, actually. The problem that most people (including myself) have is that when we do get an idea, we then immediately reject it as being "silly" or "stupid" or "not able to carry a (whatever kind of story)".
That's almost never the case.
If you can, just stop listening to that little voice, tell it to shut up, whatever. Stop resisting yourself.
Or, at least, that's what I've been told (with varying degrees of politeness) by every published author with whom I've spoken.
Successor to the LToC, who needs to work on practicing what she's preaching... ^^;
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
I thought about this before
Almost did it last year, but was working a lot. This year I'm unemployed. I should try it, but what to write aabout