Why cant I just be ME?

For those of you that don't know, Let me start off by stating that I am part of the "AgePlay" or "Littles" or to segregate even more, "LG" and even "AB" communities. For those that don't know, LG stands for Little Girl, or is sometimes known as ALG = Adult Little Girl. AB on the other hand, stands for "Adult Baby".

Within the Age-play/Littles/LG community there are many segregations like LG, for those that feel older than Toddler aged, and generally don't have a need for "padding".

AB's are often the more innocent side of those whom wear padding, and sometimes range from just being LG's with Padding, to fully wanting to be babied and treated like a newborn.

There is also the more sexual side that is often associated with being an AB, which is often known as DL, or Diaper Lover. Diaper Lovers are not always fully fetishy, but that's often how they are perceived within the community. There are some that just like the feeling of wearing "padding" and are quite normal in their every day lives other than that.

I've not really tried to hide my being AB / LG from anyone here, but it's not something I fully talk about openly, but when Erin was recently posting about possible "Names" for the new company/foundation we are forming, she offered up "BigLittle.US" which she originally planned to turn into a "niche" publishing company. A collaboration of smalltime authors, that would hopefully grow into a larger publishing company. Hence, "Big Little Us". Or at least, that was my interpretation of the name.

But when she suggested that idea here, I saw some major claws coming out. People saying that we don't want to be associated with LG's and AB's and the AgePlay community.

My question to you is WHY?

My personality is in and of itself, quite multifaceted in that I have many age ranges I can be at a given time. Often times, I'm a toddler/AB of about age 4, that's still wearing padding, dresses appropriately, and even sucks on a dummy. Sometimes I'm an older LG, in the 8-10 range, wearing pretty dresses, and trying to keep up with the older girls, and other times, Im a quite moody teenager, or even a young adult.

In my head, I'm not really ever quite the same as my biological age of 30, and often have trouble picturing myself as persona older than 20.

Why do I have to segregate myself off and say I'm LG or segregate further and say I'm AB? Why do I need to define myself to such a minute level that it alienates everyone else that doesn't segregate themselves the same as me? And WHY does the "BG" community (Big Girls), feel the need to push us away and not want to have anything to do with us?


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