The wedding night of British royalty is steeped in as much tradition as the public ceremony.
It is the custom for the bride, when she is finally undressed and ready for the nuptial bed, to say to her new husband;
"Sir, I offer you my honour."
He replies;
"Madam, I honour your offer."
Then he's on 'er and off 'er all night.
Oh dear ...
... I really think you should get your coat and leave quietly :)
In fact I suspect they've been at it like ferrets for some time. Not that I blame them. They're even older than we were when we got married ... and we had been!
Doubt this is their first time
They've been living together for a while so I am very doubtful Kate was virginal on her wedding night, not that that matters really. I think both families really want this to work out as another divorce is not a good thing to happen to the Royals.
Royal Protocol
Their is probably strict royal protocol for the first two times in order to guaranty insemination and birth exactly nine months later. After that they can do it whatever way they want.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.
The way I recall the joke
or was it a rugby song ended with the line, 'Then all night it was honour and offer' and I thought I was old?
Remember we still have awards for 'Companion of the Bedchamber' mind boggling, innit?
There is still controversy as to why the two brothers look so different - almost as if Harry was Charles's grudge baby - yeah, someone had it in for him!
Perhaps Harry should have FitzWindsor as his surname. Though I suspect that only applies when it's the Prince who shags away from home rather than the Princess.
Did anyone else notice the 3 year old bridesmaid leaning on the balustrade with her chin her hands looking very bored? She reminded me of Tricia.
Trish would've rejoiced in the girliness of it - Livvie might have got bored, as might Meems - she likes to be doing things. Cathy would have suitably embarrassed and insecure - Simon would have loved it.
Ang, You're Not Old
Yeah, it's a very old joke, but some of our American friends might not have heard it and I was just trying to lighten the mood a little. Who cares if they've been shagging already? It would be amazing if they hadn't.
The picture with the little girl looking so fed up and grumpy really made it for me. People will show her that when she's older and she will be SOOOO embarrassed. And maybe she will get the Order Of The Chamberpot (or whatever it was that you called it)
Both Kate and Pippa looked absolutely lovely and, OOOH, couldn't you get bitchy about some of the others? There was lots of both good and bad fashion sense on show.
But, credit where it's due, what a wonderful day for the two people who really mattered,