It seems a TS author who wrote a play about Jesus returning to earth as a transsexual has been awarded a literary grant for further researches of transsexualism in the Bible. As may be imagined, it's got some people frothing in their sporrans.
Judge for yourself with the unbiased reportage expected of the Sun in Scotland.
Or the Daily Mail, which reports on Leah T bears her soul to Oprah about seeking a full sex-change op. Wow, like that's news these days.
That's why I live in stealth
I was never pretty or even attractive.
It's possible that some local people have guessed but nobody has said anything (apart from some teenage boys, who I ignored).
The local rag would have a field day - their circulation figures are falling - and they would probably make my life a misery. I don't need that; I'm just a short-sighted, retired woman who just wants to get on with her life and live out her days in peace and quiet.
Oprah Show
I watch Oprah's show when Lea T was on there and I thought she was very pretty but almost too thin though. Richard
I don't understand
What exactly has the Wail's story got to do with house prices?
Perhaps we cause house prices to fall.
I'll have to ask my neighbours.
Serious comment
At least the Scottishsun (was it the Record before?) got the pronouns correct.
How do we know ....
... that Jesus isn't a woman who chose to present as a man 2k years ago, thinking to get the messgae over better since women had little say in those days?
Why would a second coming be that of a transexual? No-one KNOWS for certain that JC is a man. Indeed, no-one knows for certain that deities actually have any sex/gender.
"The Cost of Living Does Not Appear To Have Affected Its Popularity"
in most, but not all, instances