Uncertain origins

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I see that my description of my pup's origins have garnered a lot of comment.

I really don't know what his pedigree is, though there has been a lot of speculation. He is definitely part chihuahua. He is petite and has the typical coloration (colouration for those who read English.)

He also has a very long neck, body, and legs; all what one would expect from a saluki or greyhound. Now that I think about it, perhaps a whippet is a better candidate (they are smaller, no?).

He is very fast and is a phenomenal jumper. He has jumped the four and a half foot high wall around my patio thrice (three times for Americans) already. The first time was to go after my neighbor's (neighbour's) Airedale. Watching my little dog go after another almost ten times his own size was interesting. (Actually, it was a bit scary at first. I was afraid that Skipper was about to become an hors d'oeuvre.) As they got to know each other better, it has gotten really funny to watch them play together.

Thanks for the comments, I enjoyed them all... especially the story about That Gomez. (Bonus points to anyone who gets the other reference here.)

And yes, John, I was referring to you. Please don't get too swelled a head, though, or they'll make you move to Madison. Then, Joanie will have to make an appearance on 'Whad'Ya Know?'! (Yes, I was on the show, once. It was a real thrill.)


The evil blond proof reader


Ay, Chihuahua

erin's picture

I'm not sure what the typical coloration for a chihuahua is? Blond with a black tip to the tail? The breed is one of the few that has no color restrictions, though the AKC says, solid preferred.

One thing for sure, it's a five pound dog with ten pounds of courage. :) We use to have a tiny chihuahua who had no fear at all of the largest dogs that ever walked. Cats were another matter, he was brave but not foolhardy. I let him out into the backyard one day and a cat had the temerity to be sitting on top of the freezer on the back patio. Tippy almost barked himself hoarse while the cat just stared at him unti the neighbor's dog, a four foot tall Afghan (similar but furrier than a Saluki), popped over the fence, sauntered up behind the cat and woofed once.

The cat took off running and Tippy chased it to the front yard and beyond, yapping like a maniac. He came back looking incredibly pleased with himself only to find a strange dog on his back patio! He went into another frenzy of yapping at the Afghan who quite calmly popped back over the fence into her own yard. :)

The little guy had no idea how comical he looked and when you laughed at him he just grinned and looked happy.

- Erin

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.