Hope Never Fails...
Next week marks three significant anniversaries in my life. First, it is the seventh anniversary of my sister Joann's passing. I miss her to this day and I am so thankful that she was in my life, and that she remains an inspiration to me.
Second and third, it is the second anniversary of my acquiring a name for myself - Andrea Lena DiMaggio, and the writing of my first story, The Secret. I have posted The Secret - the Novella, an edited version of my story. You can reach it here, if you'd like to read it in its completed form.
Once again, thanks for the support and encouragement! Much love! Andrea
you are, without doubt, a fantastic author.
and I am so grateful for each and ever story you have shared with us. Much love and blessings.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
One and Only
You are one of a kind speaking of with your are a kind sole and a great writer HERE'S TO THE NEXT YEARS TO COME MAY THEY BE HAPPY ---HUGS RICHIE2
'Drea Is Two, Hurrah!
Happy Birthday, 'Drea, and many more of them.
"Why was she born so beautiful.....?"
HBA and Condolences
Dear Andrea:
HBA, That's Happy 2nd Birthday to Andrea, a good friend, and Happy 2nd Anniversary to a prolific and talented author. I would not say there is not a day without a new Andrea story, but I'm sure you have not missed a week without adding something to entertain, amuse or cause us to think.
You have added to Joann's memory and legacy, by your writing and your sharing of her with us.
Best wishes,